  • In first and foremost unit of Electromagnetics Engineering, I read about different co-ordinate systems :
    - Cartesian (Rectangular)
    - Cylindrical
    - Spherical

    I know the advantage of Cylindrical co-ordinate system over Cartesian system in EM, but couldn't understand advantage of Spherical co-ordinate system over Cylindrical system.
    Why Sperical co-ordinate system is preferred for EM analysis. What's the basic reason behind that ?

    Sorry, If I sound dumb, but I am not very good in mathematics, so please explain me with bit detail 'cause it's gonna take sometime to understand fully.
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  • arunchary

    MemberJul 9, 2013

    As i know that an electromagnetic waves which are generated in the form of spherical are study in maximum cases .so that because am thinking and also because our earth magnetic field analysis be driven in spherical coordinates for proper we did an experiment on spherical water drop concept to understand the density of electron in a also need some clarification, though we know the applications.
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  • arunchary

    MemberJul 9, 2013

    hi abhishek, some information in following pdf

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