Easiest way to calculate Conversions from Kilos to Pounds. Try it

Hi frnds,

Please follow below steps how to calculate conversions easily fom Kilos to Pounds.

Example: Converting 79 kilos to Pounds.

step1: First double the given kilos.
79 + 79 = 158.
step2: Divide the 158 by 10.
158/10 = 15.8
step3: Now add 15.8 with 158
158 + 15.8 = 173.8.

79 kilos = 173.8 Pounds. Check its amazing.


  • Ankita Katdare
    Ankita Katdare
    That's really an easy way. Feels like one of the many vedic mathematics tricks. Converting kilos to pounds comes in handy when you are using fitness training apps in India. All the good ones have been designed in U.S. and therefore invariably use pounds.

    Thanks for the trick #-Link-Snipped-#
  • melissarubbe
    I have tried and found it very interesting,i appreciated your endeavor you have been shared on this platform.


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