  • Recently, I met a guy (final year engineering student and a wannabe entrepreneur) who was searching for a co-founder to get started with his idea. I asked why he thought he wouldn't succeed alone, he had following explanation :-

    1. The risk will be divided.
    2. Two are better than one.
    3. One could focus on marketing, other could focus on supply side.
    4. Easier to secure funding [ 😒 is this true? ]

    ...and few more points. I agree with few of the points, but not all. What do you think? Do you really a co-founder or a team to get started?
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  • silverscorpion

    MemberDec 28, 2008

    I think it gives a moral strength if a partner is present. As told above, we can divide the areas each one has to concentrate and the risks and jobs will be divided. And most importantly, in the unfortunate event that the start up fails, then the disappointment and the misery will be shared by the two, instead of facing the loss alone.
    By this, I dont mean to say that every start up should start with an expectation to fail, but we should be ready for any eventuality. And in the case the worst happens, it's easier to bounce back from our fall with some help. The partners can help one another and turn the failure into success more easily.
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  • rahuljain.

    MemberJan 14, 2009

    Its kind of an necessary evil.

    Refer to the previous post by silverscorpion.
    1. You have to give up equity.(Man that's precious).
    2.If he/she does not have the amount of passion you have then problems arise.
    3.He should be ready to be with you till the end, no matter what happens.

    But Paul Graham and many investors say that a startup is too much for a single person to handle and agree on the point that one person startups are significantly less successful.

    Read point no 6 of #-Link-Snipped-#
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