  • I want to know the major differences between java and .net. I don't know why .net came into existence? And how can we differentiate to do a project on java or .net? Which one is efficient to use and efficient to code?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 2, 2012

    I want to know the major differences between java and .net. I don't know why .net came into existence? And how can we differentiate to do a project on java or .net? Which one is efficient to use and efficient to code?
    I Googled this for you and found following link: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Comparison Of The Java And .Net Platforms</a>
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  • sind

    MemberJul 2, 2012

    I want to hear from people here.
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  • Neeraj Sharma

    MemberJul 2, 2012

    .NET came into existence just to compete with JAVA
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  • Varsha0802

    MemberJul 2, 2012

    .Net offers better functionality than Java and making applications is easier in .Net. But java has the plus point that its open source.
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  • sookie

    MemberJul 8, 2012

    .Net is limited only to Windows environment and Java is opened for all environments including Mobiles.
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