A jetpack like Dave kinda stuff... 😀
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A jetpack like Dave kinda stuff... 😀
hmmmm i think almost same
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Sure I also heard of a rocket which takes off like an Aeroplane. 😀
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Dude, we need a 45° take off! 😀
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@ishu: i am not talking about such a plane i am saying about flying car in earth itself
i am going ahead for future
my idea is about 90deg take off at the rate of 0 running area it takes directly like helicopter but it has no rotating plates on
i will search for video if i possible to find it i will post here by giving changes
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Dude dude, 90° take off and all is old concept... Think something new... Like, going in different directions... This one is my idea... 😁
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hey car will fly like this as shown in video and it takes off by moving tires a side and some gas comes out from bottom and it goes up
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Wow.. Awesome.. Possible?
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Wow.. Awesome.. Possible?
yes i think but i think we need more advanced science for that but i am sure it is possible
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Planning to get some advanced power up shields up kinda stuff with a flux capacitor from the Mars!!! What say??? 😛
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Planning to get some advanced power up shields up kinda stuff with a flux capacitor from the Mars!!! What say??? 😛
hahaha but i think martians wont allow us to take there goods 😛
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We can deceive things... 😀
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A real version is possible. See this #-Link-Snipped-#
The concept by Narayan is cool. 😀
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We can deceive things... 😀
lol then what happens if they start invasion on us 😛
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@Praveen: you are sounding crazy! Flux capacitor on Mars! Flux capacitors claim most of the space accidents.
P.S: Praveen has done all arrangements that we all end up in hell!
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Waiting to meet the Hell with the help of Heaven from Ishu! 😛
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I like the idea of not having to be stuck in the traffic on the roads😛
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Hey! What about Transporters??? I have long time thought about this idea... As, I take a 20 km ride everyday, with the hot sun and the petrol prices, I am feeling very difficult... 😛 So, a transporter from and to office and home! Say your views! 😛
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Hey! What about Transporters??? I have long time thought about this idea... As, I take a 20 km ride everyday, with the hot sun and the petrol prices, I am feeling very difficult... 😛 So, a transporter from and to office and home! Say your views! 😛
Oh nice but it quite difficult to make and problematic and i think it also create some losses it don't make us to lock the door so any one can come in
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We hall have a backup mechanism... 😀
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How about a machine which earns money for us?? Do you think,It would solve all problems?
I do not know. People will still keep on working to increase its efficiency and earn more money. 😁 Share your opinion everyone. 👍
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Get THAT machine from Nasik! 😛
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How about a machine which earns money for us?? Do you think,It would solve all problems?
I do not know. People will still keep on working to increase its efficiency and earn more money. 😁 Share your opinion everyone. 👍
yes your right ishu human wishes has no end
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Guys, what about my question... Any replies??? 😛
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Guys, what about my question... Any replies??? 😛
nice its better for people like me 😁
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Like you? Like what?
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Like you? Like what?
i answered for your question of transfer of people in instant i like that idea
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narayana murthy
i answered for your question of transfer of people in instant i like that idea
Then let's make one! 😀
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Hello all,
Nice ideas there . But please bear in mind that the discussion has been started in CE LABS section. Please stick to the discussion, else the thread will be moved to CHITCHAT section losing all its techincal worth. 😀. This is a gental notice only.
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@ Everyone: I have one suggestion. If not a good idea, at least give some back ground as to what factors will make your ideas feasible or will fail them. Let us also post concepts related to it.
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@ Everyone: I have one suggestion. If not a good idea, at least give some back ground as to what factors will make your ideas feasible or will fail them. Let us also post concepts related to it.
What's your idea man???
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Wow.. Awesome.. Possible?
If a bike can, why not a car?
However, such a car based on Newton's third law will play havoc with kicked up dust!
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hey got an idea of static electricity by seeing this video
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I was actually seeing this in Disney XD now... 😀
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got an idea of increasing voltage generation from solar plates by using high voltage generation techniques and i would like to implement it in a hybrid vehicle
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You mean like, using the light thing used in Die Another Day on Solar Panels and generate much higher electricity??? 😛
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For a given area of panel, the incoming solar energy is fixed. About 1 KW/sq.mtr peak value in most of South India. You can have only about 14% of this converted to electricity with current technology. By proper series paralleling of the PV cells and using additional circuitry any voltage can be generated with the important limitation of wattage remaining fixed.
What we need are low cost PV cells and low weight high power density storage cells. Both are being actively developed.
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@Ramani Sir: Doesn't it depend on the intensity of the Sun Light?
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@Ramani Sir: Doesn't it depend on the intensity of the Sun Light?
You are quite right. The value that I gave is the one for the brightest day in Madras - Bangalore latitude in summer at normal incidence. All other times it will be lower.
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Can't we use some kind of focussing device like concave mirrors and convex lenses and focus more sunlight on that part?
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Can't we use some kind of focussing device like concave mirrors and convex lenses and focus more sunlight on that part?
Of course we can. However, you cannot get more energy than entering the focussing device. All that is achieved will be a higher energy density. For example, if a 1 sq.mtr. lens produces an image 1/10 sq.mtr. then the energy density in the image will be about 10 KW/sq.mtr. However, the area has decreased to 1/10. So you still end up with the original energy
minus any thing lost by absorption in the lens itself. No free lunch with Thermodynamics.
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Oyee!!! I said after going through the lens, the energy will be increased... After that???
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hehehe praveen you are wrong track solar plates are function with chemical reaction but not on heat principle
anyway all these are not my idea i thought about high voltage testing techniques are used on it and make high amount of energy we have many about voltage multiplier techniques in high voltage engineering subject so i think about implementing them and i also asked my guide about it he said as it needs more money to it for solar plates etc so he said that we can implement them in your main project
my main intention is by using solar plates we are getting low amount of voltage i want to make it multiplied by using techniques like cock.croft and walson voltage multipliers etc.........,
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What if we simulate or emulate the same function??? 😀 So that we can have the control na?
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ofcourse we are having control and high voltages see once about that voltage multiplier by increasing no.of stages the voltage will be getting higher and higher i will give more information tomorrow evening
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Those multipliers work with AC or pulsatile DC, which is not what you get with PV solar cells. They are very inefficient when there are many stages. It is so much simpler to series the cells, charge a battery and convert to AC using inverters.
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@bioramani: sir, i am not saying about connecting pv cells like that
i am saying that like i use solar cell,inverter to convert it into ac then we use <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockcroft%E2%80%93Walton_generator" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Cockcroft%E2%80%93Walton Generator</a> and i use this for dc apps
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narayana murthy
@bioramani: sir, i am not saying about connecting pv cells like that
i am saying that like i use solar cell,inverter to convert it into ac then we use <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockcroft%E2%80%93Walton_generator" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Cockcroft%E2%80%93Walton Generator</a> and i use this for dc apps
I apologise for not understanding what you were getting at. Those were used in earlier days for some linear accelerator work. There are more efficient ways now for generating high voltages. What kind of voltages are you considering?
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I apologise for not understanding what you were getting at. Those were used in earlier days for some linear accelerator work. There are more efficient ways now for generating high voltages. What kind of voltages are you considering?
no need of apologise i learnt some more from your post sir every time i get knowledge from mistakes as solar is giving less power i want to convert it into ac and that voltage multiplier gives d.c from ac output and ofcourse that dc power is very high so i want to amplify the voltage coming from solar panel and gets it magnified it to normal voltage levels for dc apps
anyway i thought it for my mini project as time is permitting my guide advised to do it as my main project with adding it to my main advised project called making of multiple power hybrid auto rickshaw
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@narayana: I have seen solar panel with different design. The solar panels were concave in shape to tap more solar energy. Moreover, scientists have been successful in increasing the current solar panel efficiency from a present 10-14% to around 30%. they are using infrared spectrum too this time.
Hope this is useful in this regard. #-Link-Snipped-# 😀
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@ishu: yes its really awesome but there is a problem for us in case of cost my guide is not allowing us to make projects of high cost anyway i will talk to my guide about it for main as my mini project is already confirmed
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You know what Narayana? If you want to increase cost, use glass as a concentrator solar rays in the solar panel.
If you will listen to me, use simple aluminum foil 😀 . You can increase 8 degrees temperature in 5 minutes. That is a fact. 😁
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You know what Narayana? If you want to increase cost, use glass as a concentrator solar rays in the solar panel.
If you will listen to me, use simple aluminum foil 😀 . You can increase 8 degrees temperature in 5 minutes. That is a fact. 😁
but up to my knowledge we cant increase the voltage output from panel using lens as it depends on area but not heat produced on it if i am wrong please correct me
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Concentrate solar energy using aluminum foil on the PV cells 😀. So that you can tap more energy from Sun and convert that heat to electricity.
I think it would be simple and easy too. Also let us ask Ramani sir, if this idea can work. 😀
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@Ishu: What about the lens stuff? Does any energy gets dissipated? But the outcome is better na?
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@Ishu: What about the lens stuff? Does any energy gets dissipated? But the outcome is better na?
Let us be clear about some fundamental thermodynamics. You cannot get more power than coming in. By using lenses or mirrors you can get a higher energy density. It is possible that this may help in converting at a higher efficiency than at lower power density levels. The other issue is that the voltage developed by a single silicon cell is fixed by the characteristics of the semiconductor junction. If you put a stronger light you will still get the same voltage. However, you can draw more current. In that sense, more power.
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@bioramani: yes then whats wrong we need the same na if power is increased 50% of our problems are solved so why can't we go in that way
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narayana murthy
@bioramani: yes then whats wrong we need the same na if power is increased 50% of our problems are solved so why can't we go in that way
Let me put it in a different way. Let us assume that We have two silicon panels: one with an area 1 sq.mtr and another with area 0.1 sq.mtr. Let the output voltage of both be 100V. Let the larger one receive direct sunlight and the second one have a 1 sq.mtr. lens focussing the light to 0.1 focussing the light to sq.mtr.
Both panel will have the same output current of 1 amp. The larger panel has an output current density of 1 amp/sq.mtr, while the smaller panel will have an output current density of 10 amp/sq.mtr.
If the incoming area is same the output wattage will be the same whether there is a lens or not. If the lens is cheaper than the silicon panel there may be some cost saving. That is all.
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thats awesome sir i have forgotten about the cost factor
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How much does a sq. ft. of Solar Panels cost sir? It's the cost that makes all the difference in producing solar electricity.
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a1 Sq.Ft. panel (~10W 14V) costs about INR1000-1400 depending on numbers.
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Omg!!! Why it so costly? Can't we make some kinda alternate for it?
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Solar energy is free. Solar electricity is expensive. A 10 w panel costing Rs.1400 has a life of about 15 to 20 years. In that whole period it would give about 250 units of low voltage DC power. Cost/unit is about Rs. 5.60 only towards the panel. There is additional equipment needed to make it usable for regular use.
Work is in progress to make low cost flexible polymeric panels. Still in the future.
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yes praveen solar panels are so costly so my guide advised to do an alternative mini project we are also on the way but i never give up i definitely make my whole knowledge and talent to make an successful project as main project
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Yeah, but since it is very powerful, there should be some kinda alternative to be devised... What say NM?
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Yeah, but since it is very powerful, there should be some kinda alternative to be devised... What say NM?
sorry for late but alternative means for solar we can't make such things because we have to use light to electrical energy converters so in my view this is a difficult task
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hi friends i am with new idea of making a robotic eagle
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What about RoboCop???
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Festo has made a robot bird more like a sea gull though.
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yes my idea is almost same
see here is my idea
in heart it has the controller and sensors on both sides it contains stepper motor
and both the motors are synchronised so they both move with same speed and it helps the bird to fly
by using aerodynamic principle it moves rotates and flips too
i am starting but i am thinking of making it
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I am wandering if we can copy models from internet to develop our ideas initially while we can make our own original models once we adequate training. 😀
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yes but for that we need some references but i found none
in my view my concepts is enough and some support to implement my ideas
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Festo has made a robot bird more like a sea gull though.
sir i have checked every thing about it but it is not exciting anyway i need a small help what can be torque of the motor for flying and check this link
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narayana murthy
sir i have checked every thing about it but it is not exciting anyway i need a small help what can be torque of the motor for flying and check this link
I had seen that video. Amazing, really. However, the all-up weight is what will determine the power of the motor. You may have to work backward from some assumed weight to arrive at a suitable power pack.
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I had seen that video. Amazing, really. However, the all-up weight is what will determine the power of the motor. You may have to work backward from some assumed weight to arrive at a suitable power pack.
me and my friend worked on it we got almost about velocity of 7 or some thing by considering weight as 1kg we need almost .8 torque can a small stepper motor can hold such torque
i forgotten the values i give them clearly by verifying his notes
and also we need approximately 15v for motor how can we get it
if we consider air flows my values may change
i am thing almost a bird like festo bird but it should fly from ground how can we get that
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Narayana Murthygaru,
Have a look at this: Maybe you can mail him.
<a href="https://www.humanbirdwings.net/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">www.humanbirdwings.net</a>
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@Bioramani, I was excitedly reading this thread. But than somebody in my office gave me the shocker. "Sir your weight is too high to even be considered for any project like that." Got to think of some weight loss threads also, to first minimize body mass that reduces the weight, which in tern reduces the torque requirement. I was wondering if going for a hunger strike protesting against something helps or not? Both weight loss and popularity gain can be incorporated. Also I can think of active participation in this project!!!!
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Rupam Das
@Bioramani, I was excitedly reading this thread. But than somebody in my office gave me the shocker. "Sir your weight is too high to even be considered for any project like that.".... popularity gain can be incorporated. Also I can think of active participation in this project!!!!
Dear RD, you should count your blessings. I am 25 to 30 lbs underweight. The doctor advised me to put on weight. Unfortunately decades of Sarvangasana (not to mention other yoga asanas) seems to have led to a slightly overactive thyroid, which just burns the calories without adding to body mass.
I was not aware that any actual project was on. We all seem to be in the discussion phase. The more committed people that get in the better. Let us have a go at it.
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is that GTA?
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is that GTA?
yes that is GTA back to the future
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Narayana Murthygaru,
Have a look at this: Maybe you can mail him.
<a href="https://www.humanbirdwings.net/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">www.humanbirdwings.net</a>
i got another idea after viewing that its an entirely another concept
i wanted to be in another advanced phase
my concept is intelligent rescue and destruction robotic vehicle
it is we give a patterns using crusters pattern recognition in the war heads
then when we have more damage we release the robot we feed the information and pattern of the enemies
cam capture the picture of the enemy and sends it to a neuro controller it gives the commands as to attack or rescue the person
then it gives respective command to the hands and other movements i.e.., stepper motor will be activated
and the robot is having both flying and moving on land but i think most sophisticated and advanced and i don't think such technology is not available in India
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narayana murthy
i got another idea after viewing that its an entirely another concept
i wanted to be in another advanced phase
my concept is intelligent rescue and destruction robotic vehicle
it is we give a patterns using crusters pattern recognition in the war heads
then when we have more damage we release the robot we feed the information and pattern of the enemies
cam capture the picture of the enemy and sends it to a neuro controller it gives the commands as to attack or rescue the person
then it gives respective command to the hands and other movements i.e.., stepper motor will be activated
and the robot is having both flying and moving on land but i think most sophisticated and advanced and i don't think such technology is not available in India
these kind of "intelligent" ROV are now used in US counter terrorist squads etc. The image processing technology is not fool proof. (eigen face recognition and stuff like that only shows a similarity so the machines can turn against us)
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these kind of "intelligent" ROV are now used in US counter terrorist squads etc. The image processing technology is not fool proof. (eigen face recognition and stuff like that only shows a similarity so the machines can turn against us)
no we give only the patterns which are necessary with respective of our need
i too thought of such danger so i give back up for soldiers when we release that robot
and we give a specific code for our soldiers and that will be helpful for the robot to rescue
as it acts according to code we give some coding for the rescue too
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yeah, remember its a machine, and the software will be prone to viruses and stuffs. what ever encoding used , if its common for all the offence, its can be "easily" decoded. so it can turn against us. nothing can defy human logic. the machines will give a tactical advantage, if it's controlled by a human else ***k !!
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yeah, remember its a machine, and the software will be prone to viruses and stuffs. what ever encoding used , if its common for all the offence, its can be "easily" decoded. so it can turn against us. nothing can defy human logic. the machines will give a tactical advantage, if it's controlled by a human else ***k !!
yes that may be a fact so we have to connect a wireless transfer to our computer and coding will be always visible on our computers
so i have to redesign my idea 😭
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hey how about giving a command from the base by recognition of pattern
here the neuro controller receive the signal from cam and it recognises that image as enemy
so it gives a signal containing a image and confirmation message
if we confirm that it eliminate that object and if not it rescue that and come with that object to the base and we will take care of that
main disadvantage in this is error in image leads to great danger and frequent checking is needed
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hey no need to feel down, its in my blood to find negatives and things (iam also the QC engineer in my company LOL) keep your chin up!! great ideas!
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actually it was an implemented project of mine (LOL) i will paste the picture.
these are the actual poto graphs.. the video file is missing its done years ago so these are only the trace of it. it works on eigen face recognition. it will give a signal to the operator

whether to shoot or not.. 😀 (i was in final days of college, this was done for some mechanical students) miss those days.
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actually it was an implemented project of mine (LOL) i will paste the picture.
these are the actual poto graphs.. the video file is missing its done years ago so these are only the trace of it. it works on eigen face recognition. it will give a signal to the operator

whether to shoot or not.. 😀 (i was in final days of college, this was done for some mechanical students) miss those days.
can i have a circuit of it buddy
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Just read the whole thing, and ideas seem to be flooding in crazily. What about the use of wind energy? Isn't it less explored how to store energy from wind effectively?
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Just read the whole thing, and ideas seem to be flooding in crazily. What about the use of wind energy? Isn't it less explored how to store energy from wind effectively?
but the power generated by wind energy is too low and it has high cost for the towers
and ofcourse there is also wind energy is using
and coming mainly to storing energy there is many problems in storage and a great research is going on it
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hey friends i think this thread is dying so i am thinking to design a circuit for all my ideas posted here
i think all are possible
this is because i am forgetting my subject now a days
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An excellent thread gone dead wonder where are the members who participated here are
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jeffrey samuel
An excellent thread gone dead wonder where are the members who participated here are
All stranded within their own busy lives. Time is precious. You only learn to understand it's value once you get out of college and into that work-study-earn-life routine.
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All stranded within their own busy lives. Time is precious. You only learn to understand it's value once you get out of college and into that work-study-earn-life routine.
True many yer times we realize the true Value of what we (must have) learn in this formative years in the other shore only. Some regret others delight in it.
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Time is precious. You only learn to understand it's value once you get out of college and into that work-study-earn-life routine.
Every one (everything actually) on earth gets exactly 24 hours a day. Not a pico second more nor less.
It is given free, gratis and for nothing.
It is the individual's choice how it is used. This raises a bigger question. Why should anything be done in that time?
We were not born by our choice (whoever that 'our' refers to). I f this soul (assuming there is one) currently going about as 'bioramani' existed before, that may continue existing after this 'I' dies.
What is the obligation on it to do anything with the 24 hrs/day?
At the most one can say is that one should not sponge on society as a parasite.
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anyway whats going on here guys
this is crazy post so we have to run out of time and think to overcome time
actually i am not online because of net problems
i have no fast net or wifi and even no lap availability here so i am not on much time but i will try my level best to be here more time
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Member •
Nov 20, 2012
What about the use of wind energy? Isn't it less explored how to store energy from wind effectively?
And I thought about using tsunami energy. Or the energy of stratum shifts. What do you think?
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And I thought about using tsunami energy. Or the energy of stratum shifts. What do you think?
its looking too crazy for tsunami there is a lot of power that water power even cuts the building so please use some conventional and continues supply
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anyone have any more crazy ideas feel free to post here lets work on it
now i am in a training of embedded systems
at now i am going to do 2 projects to complete the course
projects will be starting on feb
so i am thinking on a calculating program to imagine the vehicle comes on this direction using gps
and i think its not easy so i am trying to collect data from now
anyway i will come here if i am free so we can discuss any type of concepts and also feel free to contact me on my mail if anyone needed me
i wanna thank u all guys because it is now in 100th post
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i gonna with a crazy idea and hope it is possible
i want to design a circuit which makes a car into a super car
i think u got it super means a thinking car it moves according to the traffic and reaches the destination safely
if anyone interested in this start the comment on this thread lets start the program design here itself
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I like this Idea I think we can use sensors to automate the controls of the car to an extent
But pls do define SUPER CAR But i think intelligent design system is nice to work with I am in
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k let me explain then
i will connect 3 highly sensitive sensors on 4 sides of vehicle. We design a program such a way that on the movement of other vehicles it moves on opposite direction using stepper motor connect to the steering
next i use GPS technology to use the road map
hope you got me
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A nice design Friend. Simple and effectively cost efficient When are you planning to kick start
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actually i done a project in my training about vehicle tracking system using GPS and GSM
so i can write a program for GPS tracking alone
but i need a team for the testing and design so i am waiting for more replies if i get more replies i will start the code by making a new post by taking the admin permission and start a proto type circuit
if get success our team meet in real and design a real model
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Hi Narayana, feel free to start a thread dedicated for your project idea, with clear aims and objectives listed.
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i will be stating the project thread today evening according to IST because i have no system with me now
anyway today i am starting with my super car 😛
after getting a good sucess on it i will start another one of flying robot
who are in?
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started the thread for the project check here guys
<a href="https://www.crazyengineers.com/threads/my-project-super-car.69083">My project-Super car</a>
anyone wants to be in help me in that thread
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its almost done with super car friends....
I dont have a car for real time testing logic and everything is working in small case......
Second phase i cant start now because solar powered and others are costlier than i think so i am starting new one anyone have new ideas...
Can we do anything with artificial legs for handicapped
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hey guys,
this may look like science fiction but if we success in this idea we can make alot of difference in the world...
We are seeing brain controlled gadgets...
Then here is my idea..
Brain sends electrical pulses to every organ to react according to situation. So every nerve is connected to brain. If we are able to catch nerves which are getting those pulses and place a leg like a robotic leg there depending on brain pulses it moves. I guess if we success in this gadget we can see no handicapped people in earth. Its like cyberorganism
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guys why don't we think to connect the wings 90' wake up and the wings like table fan are added to the car at the four courners and we are able to rotate the wings to go forword and reverse. are you understand my view and is this possible i think it would be. what you think?
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narayana murthy
hey guys,
this may look like science fiction but if we success in this idea we can make alot of difference in the world...
We are seeing brain controlled gadgets...
Then here is my idea..
Brain sends electrical pulses to every organ to react according to situation. So every nerve is connected to brain. If we are able to catch nerves which are getting those pulses and place a leg like a robotic leg there depending on brain pulses it moves. I guess if we success in this gadget we can see no handicapped people in earth. Its like cyberorganism
possibly this idea could prove to be a boon to Stephen Hawkings [HASHTAG]#respect[/HASHTAG]
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guys why don't we think to connect the wings 90' wake up and the wings like table fan are added to the car at the four courners and we are able to rotate the wings to go forword and reverse. are you understand my view and is this possible i think it would be. what you think?
actually my idea on flying car is different. Ur idea will work buddy i am sure about it. But i am think new like flying with some sort of design with electrical energy or some thing this is like we have a ignition regition which is on downwards and on going up it will move to be in backwords and moves forward.
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Shailaja Tiwari
possibly this idea could prove to be a boon to Stephen Hawkings [HASHTAG]#respect[/HASHTAG]
mmmm may be i am not sure about it i am just thinking. But one when i know the entire circuits connecting human body then i am sure i can design it
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narayana murthy
actually my idea on flying car is different. Ur idea will work buddy i am sure about it. But i am think new like flying with some sort of design with electrical energy or some thing this is like we have a ignition regition which is on downwards and on going up it will move to be in backwords and moves forward.
yes but the movable control shoulbe very fast
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yes but the movable control shoulbe very fast
yes moving can be done using balencing in aero dynamics. But only problem is what source i can take electrical energy wont have such power. Gases pressure and lift and move depending on how much pressure we are maintaining but problem is i dont know whether it works in higher attitude or not because when goes to higher attitude pressure changes
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narayana murthy
yes moving can be done using balencing in aero dynamics. But only problem is what source i can take electrical energy wont have such power. Gases pressure and lift and move depending on how much pressure we are maintaining but problem is i dont know whether it works in higher attitude or not because when goes to higher attitude pressure changes
is the faster acceleration by engine of car woluld be helpful? try to apply the concept on racing cars haveving greater power engine one more thing is nitro boost may be helpful and the very essential thing is the design of the car which is capable to minimise the friction and pressure of air at the time of take off.
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is the faster acceleration by engine of car woluld be helpful? try to apply the concept on racing cars haveving greater power engine one more thing is nitro boost may be helpful and the very essential thing is the design of the car which is capable to minimise the friction and pressure of air at the time of take off.
my design of takeoff is completely different. Anyway at present i am not thinking of it its just a imaginary design
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finally i figured an solution for my flying car i dont know it practically but i guess it works. when we make water heated up with electricity it means a direct heating technique like solenoid. it gives enormous of water vapour as it gets heat continously. then if we release that vapour with high pressure downwards it goes up. and when it reaches at higher altitude its convert into like jet. or we can propel as two tubes on one on back and one on down. then its become a flying car but i am not sure about safety. at first we have to make prototype and test later we can check with safety. but i am sure it makes revolution in eco-friendly technology
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