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  • Aashish Joshi

    MemberJul 21, 2009

    Have you heard about Dynamo? You can use rotatory motion to generate electricity.

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  • Bull

    MemberJul 22, 2009

    Can u xplain me the process?????????
    Coz i cannot use dynamo.........
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 22, 2009

    Note: Please do not use SMS text in posts.
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  • Roddick

    MemberJul 22, 2009

    Kinetic energy can be converted to electrical energy using hydraulic dams, sea barrages etc. The water ( in this case ) is channeled at high speeds through massive turbines which generate electrical energy when the water turns them.

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  • skipper

    MemberJul 22, 2009

    You can convert kinetic energy into electrical energy, as mentioned with turbines (hydraulic, aerodynamic) but only to a limit of efficiency.

    When a conductor rotates in a magnetic field there's a current induced, but a resistance exists - some of the kinetic energy is converted into heat & sound (internal vibrational energy), the forward current generates a magnetic field that opposes the direction of the external fixed one, or a "back-emf". This is the inevitable loss any physical system that generates energy will always have.
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  • anand.ssukhi

    MemberJul 23, 2009

    you can use
    1. ac motors when they run over their rated speed they generate electricity
    you can easily find 1 by searching about ac motor with cintrollers having regenrative
    2. pneumatic sustems to store kinetic energy.
    3. fly wheels (find more at f1 site "Kinetic Energy Recovery System"
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