  • hari02

    MemberFeb 14, 2011

    Conversion of char to int

    Hey guys,
    I have been solving a problem post-fix expression evaluation using stacks for lab in the weekend and encountered a problem "conversion of character data to int". I searched through google and found these results "atoi and typecasting".
    Both the above conversions are known to me but I came across something different like this
    char i='5';
    int j = i-'0';
    in 'j' the integer value number:5 is stored can anyone please explain how its working
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberFeb 14, 2011

    i think here intenal type casting is going on

    when you write int j=i-'0', compiler takea ascii value of '5' i.e 53 and '0' which is 48 ,
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  • hari02

    MemberFeb 14, 2011

    Ya..................Thanx Goyal 😁
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  • HirenBarbhaya

    MemberFeb 17, 2011

    i think here intenal type casting is going on

    when you write int j=i-'0', compiler takea ascii value of '5' i.e 53 and '0' which is 48 ,
    Awesome Explanation...
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  • rohitrk

    MemberFeb 17, 2011

    variable i stores the acii value of '5'. when statement j=i-'0' is executed the char '5' is converted to number 5.
    this is one of the ways we use to convert a number from its ascii value to integer value so that arithmetic operations can be performed on it.
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