Control home appliances using mobile phone

I want to control a home appliance like a table lamp on or off by giving command from my cell phone to the system which would b fitted in the lamp kit.....can u guyz help me out??


  • saurabh2486
    Nice question karan but i know a method of controlling pc through mobile via bluetooth but for home appliance yeah its possible but little more complicated i suppose
  • durga ch
    durga ch
    a bluetooth pico-net can supposedly support only 7 or 8 slaves. So not all equipments can participate in a PAN at same time and what about frequency we use to do these kinda activities?
    and all these appliances also need to 'react' to the commands, so in a sense they need to be intelligent to intercept the commands. That would make them have radio receivers and may be transmitters be employed to suggest the power used 😉. May be more of sensor network of its own.

    Nevertheless, if not on your own , there are few technologies being developed on similar lines though
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  • karan bajaj
    karan bajaj
    sorry friend the language you used in your post is quiet difficult for me....i am unable to understand wat you are saying??
  • durga ch
    durga ch
    Hi karan,

    can you be a little specific on what you are looking for?
  • vik001ind
    If you are trying to built it for short ranges you have to use bluetooth technology, for long range you have to use wireless sensor networks.
  • binu_ji
    Controlling home appliances through mobile is easy now with the serial bluetooth modules. Check here
  • aj_onduty
    Use GSM. We can get this thing in the market ready made in parts. Search for it in project shops. This can be a good mini project. Best of luck.
  • euieLC
    i had encountered students implemented home appliances having their own ip addresses so that they can control it with their mobiles using the internet.

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