Clarification (well foundation)

Friends I heard that when an ancient temple was renovating engineers found that the foundation's top layer as sand under that mortar of lime and jaggery under that very interestingly gravity well.Does anyone can explain about the construction


  • Anant Jalgaonkar
    Anant Jalgaonkar
    Well foundation is an Indian concept. Long before the British came to India, Indian Engineers (Not called Engineers though in those days) used well foundation to transfer heavy loads through weak soils to good load bearing stratum. Many examples can be cited to name a few Ghats of Vrindavan, Tajmahal, Omkareshwar Ghats etc. Mind you all these examples are situated near Rivers, where you can find deep sand deposits. Sand has very poor Bearing Capacity so the engineers at that times realized about well foundations. Hope this can satisfy your quest about well foundations.!!!!
  • akshay rathore
    akshay rathore
    does well foundation necessarily be situated near rivers , i mean , do they require water to sustain themselves , i thought foundations are damaged due to moisture ?

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