  • Manish

    MemberApr 18, 2013

    Cell Phone Triangulation

    Hello Friends

    Yesterday I was doing some research on cell phone tracking then I found an interesting term "cell phone triangulation" through which one can guess the most accurate location of a Cell Phone through pinging a cell phone via voice call or sms

    I also found that it is illegal in some countries like USA

    Anyone having any idea about this?
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  • aniruddha47

    MemberApr 24, 2013

    Hello Friends

    Yesterday I was doing some research on cell phone tracking then I found an interesting term "cell phone triangulation" through which one can guess the most accurate location of a Cell Phone through pinging a cell phone via voice call or sms

    I also found that it is illegal in some countries like USA

    Anyone having any idea about this?
    it is illegal in us because the US MARSHALLS are responsible for witness protection and relocation
    also when you try to locate a marshall a security feature exist where in it wont pin point you to the exact location but shows location within the 3 nearest towers(triangulation)
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  • aniruddha47

    MemberApr 24, 2013

    Hello Friends

    Yesterday I was doing some research on cell phone tracking then I found an interesting term "cell phone triangulation" through which one can guess the most accurate location of a Cell Phone through pinging a cell phone via voice call or sms

    I also found that it is illegal in some countries like USA

    Anyone having any idea about this?
    also such a thing exist in
    where you can find out the location(state)of a no and his service provider
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