  • Kaustubh

    MemberDec 21, 2007

    CE Contest Ideas


    How about having a CE Contest with participants from all over the world? Exciting, right? Yes, there will be prize(s) 😁 . I have couple of ideas about the contests we can organize through CE. However I think its a nice idea to have feedback from our CEans about different contests we can organize on CrazyEngineers.

    So, do you have anything on your mind? Don't worry, if you think your idea is silly/crazy, we all are crazy over here 😁 !

    -The Big K-
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  • friendster7

    MemberApr 11, 2008

    having to create ce logo
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberApr 12, 2008

    yea, something that involves graphics is good. Quite easy to submit. Other than the logo and the mascot, a wallpaper design contest would be nice 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 12, 2008

    The 'Wallpaper' idea has been on my mind for quite some time 😁 . We'll also need a 'brilliant idea' contest.

    Or we may even have 'the best college project' contest.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberApr 12, 2008

    Brilliant idea is good. Perhaps we give it a theme.. sorta like, how to solve a specific problem or situation (like environment, etc) 😀

    I like the college project too!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 12, 2008

    Brilliant idea is good. Perhaps we give it a theme.. sorta like, how to solve a specific problem or situation (like environment, etc) 😀

    I like the college project too!
    That's right. We'll have to sponsor 'bigger' prizes for the winner of 'Brilliant Idea' contest.

    Yes, I agree that with the 'theme' thing. Let me think about it.
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  • slashfear

    MemberMay 6, 2009

    Hi Big_k,

    That's an excellent idea !!!😉
    Can i give my suggestion too!!!!

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 6, 2009

    Hi Big_k,

    That's an excellent idea !!!😉
    Can i give my suggestion too!!!!

    Your earlier post should have been the idea. You don't need permission to post ideas. Do you?
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberMay 6, 2009

    Nice idea biggi....Waiting for the contest
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  • slashfear

    MemberMay 7, 2009

    Hey Big_K,

    Alright here are some ideas biggie,

    We can have a separate section in CE for contest alone with some freaky and catchy name and quote like "Serenity - Let the quest begin" or we can make it simple as "Crazy Engineers- How crazy are you!!"

    Or we can First make a contest like "Name the contest" were all our CEans can contribute there ideas in naming the contest (This sounds good right!!) or we can suggest and select some few names and ask our CEans to vote for the best name and the name with the most votes will be the final name.

    Then we should have a separate contest for each and every department and separate name for each department I mean like for computer science we can name it like "Infinity- do you have a limit" (This title will be best for computer science i believe). And we can host unique contest for every department with respect to the department.

    And for judging the winners we have to choose judge's first (That's up to you to decide you can pick some CEans from our members from each department and make them decide who can be the winner for each department)

    Then to take crazy engineers to the next level we can host some contest in colleges all around the world as we have members from different collges here!! what we can do is, put out a request forum where people can post in there request and willingness for CE to come to there college. Then we can contact the person who posted it and ask them to get permission from there college and we can go over to there college and host some interactive shows and contest and give away some CE prizes.

    For Host we can select some members from our CE if they are willing to host, can host the show. Ok guess what shows we can host......... its going to be a regular way of contests like quiz show, programming contest then some talent shows etc...

    I like to suggest some prizes to be given away,The prizes should bear the CE logo in it for sure (by the way we can promote CE too😉)

    We can give some exclusive CE certificates, then give some badges bearing CE logo and mentioning CEan (It would be kool to wear those badges), unique CE bags then some tech magazines too (These things are sure cheap and could make a difference in the way CE is begin looked right now).

    Hey Biggie just now an idea struck my mind, alright how about an exclusive CE magazine's where we can put our latest news of what's happening around, and we can give the members a peak into the tech right now like new gadgets and interviews with some famous people, hows industry doing today then events happening in CE and some education stuffs ....... etc...😁

    oufff.... I think I have loaded a lot hmmm.... anyways if you want any help!!! I am ready to help!!!!😲

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  • ms_cs

    MemberMay 7, 2009

    Oh..CE magazine is my idea too. I also wish to read a CE magazine.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 7, 2009

    Crazy Winds flowing here 😀 . What say folks? Let's here from what other CEans have to say.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 7, 2009

    @MS_CS: CE Magazine? Or a newsletter?
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  • ms_cs

    MemberMay 7, 2009

    @MS_CS: CE Magazine? Or a newsletter?
    `CE Magazine`
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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberMay 7, 2009

    I must say CE Magazine..a bad idea. People cannot make good threads here then how can they make good articles for magazine. and Copy paste from other sources is really very BAD right?

    When any of these contests ideas is going to start over here ? 😛

    One more idea is "Original MS Paint creations contest" Lot of experts in Paint brush are here. Am I right raj87verma88 ? 😛
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 7, 2009

    @ Shalini: The biggest challenge in organizing any contest is getting the sponsors for the prizes. Be assured, we'll have great contests coming up soon.

    Can anyone help us get the sponsors for the prizes?
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  • ms_cs

    MemberMay 7, 2009

    I must say CE Magazine..a bad idea. People cannot make good threads here then how can they make good articles for magazine. and Copy paste from other sources is really very BAD right?

    When any of these contests ideas is going to start over here ? 😛

    One more idea is "Original MS Paint creations contest" Lot of experts in Paint brush are here. Am I right raj87verma88 ? 😛
    I think lot of writers are here to make better articles.

    If CE magazine released means, CE site will reach more to common folks.
    If CE site is a popular, then Automatically sponsors will come.The most of the colleges conducting the conferences with lot of sponsors.
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  • shalini_goel14

    MemberMay 7, 2009

    @ Shalini: The biggest challenge in organizing any contest is getting the sponsors for the prizes. Be assured, we'll have great contests coming up soon.

    Can anyone help us get the sponsors for the prizes?
    Hmm.. I wish I could do something for it, but this year no salaray hikes and my expenses have also increased as compared to last year.

    If at any point of time, my budget would allow it, I will let you know.
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberMay 7, 2009


    this is my opinion..

    We dont need any prizes , the recognition is enough 😀

    So we would be planning for CE - Magazine which includes the months Small talk and months innovative threads .

    Nice articles which attract students for all the fields in the engineering.
    People are more into Software (me too ofcourse) due to the lack of knowledge on other fields.
    So people will be provided with the paths and pros and cons of all the career opportunities ..

    And coming to articles many people are there in CE who can take care.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 7, 2009

    That's a nice thought, E-S 😀

    Publishing a magazine is not an easy task. This idea has been floating on CE since long time with CEan xHx wanting to launch CE magazine in UAE.

    Magazine will only reach to engineers in specific geographical location; CE reaches 187 countries globally.

    I guess interested CEans can write articles for CEans. We'll make sure they receive maximum publicity.
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberMay 7, 2009

    Oh! If thats the case we can have some articles written.

    Can come back on this after2 weeks as i will be busy and on leave as my brother is getting married.

    but sure i can write some articles with proper english ofcourse 😉
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  • ms_cs

    MemberMay 7, 2009

    Count me too,for the technical articles section.
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  • slashfear

    MemberMay 8, 2009

    @shalini i think we can make a good article buddy...... because none of us is born knowing everything right!!! all we can do is gather info from different sources and we can, re create those topics in our own CE style I mean in an unique way of presenting the article by using a freaky and attractive ways......... remember where there is will there is a way dude!!!!😁

    And Biggie I also want to be a part of writing articles......... Consider me too 😲

    and regarding sponsors, for what all you need sponsors ...........! Let me see if I can help😉

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 8, 2009

    Woa 😀 You all are welcome!
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  • Rohan_sK

    MemberMay 8, 2009

    Hey guys can I add something?

    Can we have a contest for each department seperately. I mean say like we can give a list of some topics ( say 5 each) to each branch and let the members make a conceptual project on any of the topic. A nd submit the report to the CE ASSESSING TEAM. I doubt if working models will be feasible to submit.
    We can rightly have a Technical Paper Submission for each branch and the participants are free to select a topic of their choice. These papers and projects will be submitted atleast a month before hand to the results so the judges can have sufficicent time to analyse and decide well.
    We shall focus on how clear are the basic concepts of the participants in their respective fields. We can design the terms and topics such that the conceptual depth of the member is put to test, just like it is done in the IITs exams . And yes innovation is obviously looked for in the efforts of the participants.
    As for the judges, we can request some senior members( comparitively senior man;-)) with ample experience and knowledge to assess some one elses work. Also can we try to contact some professors ( even retired ones) and let them know about CE, ask the to visit our forum first and check it out for themselves.I am sure they will like CE and if they are interested to guide us and be kind enough to do the assessment work for us, it'll be great. Our student members can voluntarily try to approach their professors and tell them about us.
    And I think BIG_K do we really need big sponsors for prizes. I mean can we keep the prizes reasonable enough and not have them more glamorous, I mean something as a token of appreciation and not any gadget or so. What say, so the costs can be lowered.
    Amd one main point Biggi, can we allow Professional members also along with student memebers to participate.....😁What say??
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberMay 9, 2009

    Great idea Rohan.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 9, 2009

    @ Rohan: I believe every contest we organize on CE has to be for everyone as our only identify here is being a 'crazy engineer'.

    The biggest challenge is getting the sponsors 😔 . Recession has had big impact on companies that'd sponsor prizes.

    If we can come up with a very good contest idea - I guess it will be easier for us to get sponsors. I'm in talks with so many folks, but no positive response from anyone so far.

    Keep your ideas coming in.
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberMay 9, 2009

    I do agree with you Biggi... every contest should be for engineers, not for stream specific engineers.

    May be "online survey of any particular thing" (should be same for all).

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  • silverscorpion

    MemberMay 9, 2009

    Publishing a magazine is not an easy task.
    Magazine will only reach to engineers in specific geographical location;

    Well, in that case, we can always do an online magazine.
    We can restrict access to CE members alone, or let anyone who wants get it.
    That shouldn't be a problem.

    And as for competitions, I'm game for any quiz competitions, math problem solving competitions etc. (Either as a participant or as the quiz master)..

    We can also have essay writing or science fiction writing. For starters, we may give the theme, the starting of the story and ask the participants to complete the story.

    Wat say ya??!!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 9, 2009

    @ CrazyBoy - Contests related to general engineering will be open for all. However we should also conduct discipline specific contests.
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  • ms_cs

    MemberMay 9, 2009

    How about conducting :

    1. C-Debugging contest.
    2. Algorithm design: in which the problem description will be given.The participant have to design the algorithm.
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  • ms_cs

    MemberMay 9, 2009

    3.CE-Project Challenge

    In which the CE-CS Mods or Contest Head will give the list of project titles, may be mini projects. The participants first have to register , for that and the timelines have to be given, for submitting the synopsis, and project submission and presentation.The participant are allowed to present in CE-Meet if the arrangements are done for that...
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  • ms_cs

    MemberMay 9, 2009

    Hope these ideas are good 😀
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  • silverscorpion

    MemberMay 9, 2009

    I like C debugging and algorithms.. Bring 'em on!!
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  • Rohan_sK

    MemberMay 10, 2009

    @ Big_K: Great to know that We all can participate😁 HURRAY😛
    I had just thought wrongly that as a Contest it would be for students only and the proffessional members would monitor it only; but its open for all man, wonderful.. 😁
    And Big_K you are right, there should be stream specific items also, thats exactly what was on my mind.

    @ English Scared: Thanks friend!!
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberMay 10, 2009

    There are cool Ideas.!!

    About Magazine... Lets Start it with for CEans only( yes online magazine Only )
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  • slashfear

    MemberMay 11, 2009

    Online magazines only for CEans can be a good starter, it is a good idea guys!!!😉 yeap i also agree!!!!!😁
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