  • You are on the panel for selection of candidates.Rather lets take it this way - You are a senior responsible person for assinging the promotions.At present you have two people on your list who are eligible for the promotion.There is Miss X who is excellent in her academics,she is been with the co. for more than 5 years and been excellent in her work.She has a very good educated family background and her family supports her in whatever she does.More over they have put in values of discipline and work is play in her.She has shown excellent progress at workplace.She is socialable,friendly and very very impressive personality.
    The second candidate is Mr. Y who is been with the co. for +2more years than Miss X. He has faced a lot of problems throughtout his life. He belongs to rural family and has lost his parents in childhood. He did his graduation and got his job.His opnion is he didnot have family support and so lacked the chance of grabbing opportunities. He has worked progressively in the co. He is a shy guy and prefers to be in his nest and work.
    The designation that you are required to give the person is going to put added responsibilty on him/her.He/she needs to communicate with different people. And requires an impressive personality.
    So whom will you choose and why? and why not the other person? Shimple! 😁
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  • Rocker

    MemberSep 6, 2006

    He/she needs to communicate with different people. And requires an impressive personality.
    Miss X could be an obvious choice. I will select her as she has an impressive personality & she is friendly. Mr. X is shy and therefore not suited for the position.
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  • sristi

    MemberSep 7, 2006

    i'll go for Miss X bcoz she is socialable,friendly and very very impressive personality and she has exp too.

    The designation that you are required to give the person is going to put added responsibilty on him/her.He/she needs to communicate with different people. And requires an impressive personality.
    Though Mr.Y has worked progressively in the co and has more exp than Miss X he can't be selected as he is a shy guy and prefers to be in his nest and work .
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  • integratdbrains

    MemberSep 8, 2006


    Most of us think on the same lines but its amazing that all of us have different reasons to select the canditate.
    Think with a brain of entreprenuers crazy brains crazy engineers!! 😁
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  • crook

    MemberSep 9, 2006

    Most of us think on the same lines but its amazing that all of us have different reasons to select the canditate.
    Think with a brain of entreprenuers crazy brains crazy engineers!! 😁
    Think with a brain of entrepreneur? 😒

    The case study clearly mentions that the job requires the candidate to interact with people. No matter how qualified, you will need a person who can manage that!

    Miss X is the clear choice. 😁
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  • integratdbrains

    MemberSep 9, 2006

    hey crook

    Brains of an entreprenuer cause the decision MAY (biggie have purposely typed cap) differ if you work for a company and if you have a company! Stated because Exceptions are always there! 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 10, 2006

    Brains of an entreprenuer cause the decision MAY (biggie have purposely typed cap) differ if you work for a company and if you have a company! Stated because Exceptions are always there! 😀
    Agree. Looking forward to your answer 😉

    -The Big K-
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  • integratdbrains

    MemberSep 12, 2006

    yes even i was eager to answer!

    My choice would have been Ms X obviously but not because she has all the qualities but because Mr. Y lacks attitude.. Notice that Uday complains and easily blames that his past has affected his career.
    "His opnion is he didnot have family support and so lacked the chance of grabbing opportunities."
    And been in a senior position i cannot be irresponsible.I hope you are getting me I mean i just cannot take it if he says X work was not done because Y was not there!! Then what will keep my office staff different. And this answer can take up huge toll from the treasure !! But definately will i try to ward off his shyness and inculcate optimism in Mr Y through personality workshop and consultation.😁
    I think i am justified in doing my job !! 😁
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberOct 19, 2006

    Would agree with IntegratedBrains on the attitude part. As an enterpreneur, you would prefer a go-getter on board rather than a more senior, conservative person.
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