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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 6, 2009

    khurram shahbaz
    hai guys i wan a read a best book on java programming
    the book should be on the basics of java programming
    Sure, that's a good idea.

    What's stopping you from reading it?
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  • aslam shaikh

    MemberSep 6, 2009

    for java programming dozens of ebooks (pdf) are available on net for free. get to it.
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  • Gurjeet Singh

    MemberOct 3, 2009

    you should try E balgursamy..of java 2 or try complete reffrence......
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  • prashant31

    MemberOct 11, 2009

    I think Core java volume 1,2 by Cay.S Horstmann is best book if u know any other language such as c or c++.😁😁😁
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  • Manish Sehgal

    MemberOct 12, 2009

    Complete Reference is the best book for Java
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  • sherya mathur

    MemberMar 16, 2010

    If you are in the beginning of java programming then you should go for programming book on java by balagurusamy after then go to complete reference and for lab try to collect lab books of niit centers etc. and for more help if you don't want to purchase and keen to get books on rent then you should go for online books library
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