Member • Jan 8, 2014
#BecomeAnEngineer Campaign On Twitter By CrazyEngineers
In a move to encourage more and more students to become engineers, we have launched a [HASHTAG]#BecomeAnEngineer[/HASHTAG] campaign on Twitter. Here we want all you engineers to Tweet us @#-Link-Snipped-# to share your views on why students should become engineers and why our society needs more great engineers to make this world a truly awesome place.
Check our Twitter Account at - #-Link-Snipped-#
Encourage more students to become engineers! Tweet us #-Link-Snipped-##-Link-Snipped-# and share why society needs more engineers. Use #-Link-Snipped-# hashtag.
Please re-tweet to your followers. Let us create a buzz about why Engineering as career should be embraced!