At 100 pico-Kelvin, ISS Will Host Coldest Spot In Known World

If the "100 pico-Kelvin" does not give you an idea - it's just 10 billionth of a degree above absolute zero; −273.15°C on Celsius scale. The theory says that at that temperature, all the movement of the matter should stop and the matter would cease to exist as a solid, liquid or a gas. It'd assume the quantum state - aka a waveform. The vast space between the galaxies in the Universe reach to about 3K (Kelvin), which is closer to the absolute zero (0K). Things get very interesting at so low temperature and now that you can go much beyond those temperatures, scientists are excited.


The whole process of achieving the super-duper cool temperature is based on the fact that when the gas expands, its temperature drops. The researchers are planning to expand a Bose-Einstein condensate using a pair of very low powered magnets. There are two advantages: The condensate is known to exhibit macro-quantum characteristics as the temperatures approach absolute zero and being in the space station eliminates the need of using powerful magnets to counter the effect of gravity.

If you're interested in physics and this experiment, be ready to wait till 2016. NASA needs some time to put the cold atom lab into the space. We've a video that describes the experiment. Do watch it and let us know your thoughts.

Source: #-Link-Snipped-#


  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare
    Article updated. Special thanks to @#-Link-Snipped-# for pointing out the mistake. 👍
  • lovebox
    Kaustubh Katdare
    Article updated. Special thanks to @#-Link-Snipped-# for pointing out the mistake. 👍
    And thanks to Biggie for creating all things marvellous on CE.

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