  • Tejashree

    MemberJul 23, 2010

    Around the Equator!

    Supposing one decides to walk around the earth on the equator, the top of the person's head would describe a circle whose circumference would be longer than the circle described by his feet.
    How great do you think the difference would be?
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  • bharathpb

    MemberJul 24, 2010

    2*pi*height of the person...negligible very small ..........
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  • Tejashree Katdare

    MemberJul 26, 2010

    Let us assume that the average hieght of man is 175 cm.Let us take R as the radius of the earth.
    Then we have;
    =1100 cm
    = 11 metres
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  • abhishek1814

    MemberAug 31, 2010

    it will be negligble as equator covers the earth fully
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