an idea required..

we the students of third year(mech Engineering) are going to design something which should prove that we have learn should be simple to design and may be related to thermodynamics ao fluid mechanic.
plz suggest any idea..


  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare
    Sarfaraz Khan
    we the students of third year(mech Engineering) are going to design something which should prove that we have learn should be simple to design and may be related to thermodynamics ao fluid mechanic.
    plz suggest any idea..
    Tell us something more about what you are looking for.
  • yadavundertaker mohit
    yadavundertaker mohit
    you can try to make some oils or fluid which can be added to petrol or diesel to improve the efficiency of diesel or petrol engine..

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