  • Quote:
    An Light Emitting Diode is an electronic device that emits light when current is passed through it. LEDs are small, extremely efficient, bright, cheap, electronic components. People think that LEDs are just common light emitting components & tend to overlook the Interesting Facts & Features of LEDs. In this instructable I will teach you 'All You Need to Know About LEDs' which includes their Working, Voltage, Current and Power Ratings, Builds, Types, Resistor Calculator for LEDs, Uses, Testing & a Simple LED circuit.

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  • ManojKiran Eda

    MemberOct 4, 2014

    In addition to these features ,LED can also produce voltage when light falls on the junction.
    I had done some experiments on that and found that
    crystall(transparent) LEDs produce maximum voltage when compared to others
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  • Void Runner

    MemberOct 6, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# : You should think about why the LED is doing what you claim it is doing. 😉

    I would have a doubt on the current produced by incidence of light though, LEDs and photodiodes have different optimisation parameters.
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  • Shashank Moghe

    MemberOct 7, 2014

    If it makes the importance of LEDs stand out any better, consider this: This year's Nobel Prize winners in Physics have won it for invention of Blue LEDs (in early 1990s), source: BBC.
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