  • HP27

    MemberDec 9, 2016

    Absent in A.K.T.U exam

    I am a 7th sem student in A.K.T.U. Due to some problems I failed to appear in an exam. What will happen? Will I get any grace marks? I already had 2 backlogs in 5th semester.
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  • [Prototype]

    MemberDec 9, 2016

    I don't know about AKTU but generally grace is just given if you're falling marginally short to the qualifying grade. Since that's not the case here, I doubt you'll get any grace.

    I wonder what could be so pressing that you chose to miss the exam.
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  • Anuj Singh

    MemberDec 27, 2018

    I did not appear in the exam because I am half an hour late then what will happen ?will I get backlog or something else

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