  • Aayam 2012 is a Technical Festival organized by Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur.

    This is the 11th Aayam transforming the world of imagination, we have developed the platform to get budding innovators to cultivate their grey matters with high yield varieties in collaboration with CLUB FIRST, one of the fastest growing corporations in Robotics.


    Robowar, Aqua Drag, Line Follower, Robo Soccer and more..

    Design a RC Based Aeromodels, Full Throttle Car, Electrics or Engine Powered, etc

    Auto Fest:
    Competition for best Modified and Self Designed vehicles.

    International Exchanges:
    Global Village, International internships.

    Hot air Balloon show and Safari. D.J. Night, Auto Fest..

    For more details, queries and registration; visit their website:
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