Is ChatGPT Plus Worth It?

By - Kaustubh Katdare • 1 year ago • 24.9k views

OpenAI has announced ChatGPT Plus and it costs $20 per month. For that price, you'll get -

  • General access to ChatGPT, even during peak times
  • Faster response times
  • Priority access to new features and improvements

I've been using ChatGPT for the past few weeks and the downtime for me has been minimal and I've no complaints about the response times I'm getting. I don't use it for any serious work (yet).

Do you think ChatGPT Plus is worth it? What else can you get for $20 per month? Let me know.


  • Kaustubh
    Kaustubh Katdare

    Update: ChatGPT-4 was announced and it's only available to the Chat GPT Plus users.

    Do you think early access to the new features makes ChatGPT more desirable?

    PS: A related popular discussion is : Jobs ChatGPT will Kill

  • Steve
    Steve Gracia

    It's definitely worth it. I've been using ChatGPT Plus service here in the US since last 2 months.

    ChatGPT Plus Subscription offers several benefits that make it worth the $20/month price point for many users.

    In my opinion, here's are the points in favor of ChatGPT Plus -

    1. High Availability With a ChatGPT Plus subscription, I have uninterrupted access to the service, even during high load periods. It's more reliable whenever you need it.

    2. Responses are super fast Their GPUs and CPUs put you in the top priority queue, resulting in faster response times from ChatGPT.

    This can be particularly helpful for professional users or anyone who values efficiency and quicker turnaround times. I've been using it for all my writing work and couldn't be happier.

    1. Priority access to new features As a ChatGPT Plus subscriber, you'll be among the first to access new features, enhancements, and improvements. For example, I received access to ChatGPT-4 before others.

    2. Faster and better support. Your subscription helps support the availability of free access to ChatGPT for as many people as possible.

    You take a small share in keeping ChatGPT development active. Oh yeah, I do know that Microsoft has infused $10billion in the service.

    ChatGPT subscription is just my way of showing support to the advancement of AI.

    Multiple Use Cases I've been using ChatGPT for content generation, brainstorming, programming help, learning new topics, and more.

    I think the price is justified.

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