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@Debasmita Banerjee

Recently, we have witnessed a sharp rise in earthquake occurrences that have caused devastation on earth. Early detection with the newly launched application “MyShake” has provided a probable solution to...

@Debasmita Banerjee

Man made Robots could soon think like humans and learn from the environment, depending on its preprogrammed analyzing skills. Of late, artificially intelligent objects have been relying on image-recognition technology...

@Debasmita Banerjee

Performing nano-scale integration on optical devices has already succeeded in optimising the contemporary data storage systems. The functioning of CDs, DVDs and Blue ray discs depend on a LASER beam...

@Satya Swaroop Dash

Modern crutches have been with us since the 1900s. A century has gone by and not much has changed in the design of the crutches that are used temporarily or...

@Satya Swaroop Dash

Google Calendar is one of the best calendar apps in the market. Apart from scheduling stuff, the Google Calendar app and website help you with additional tasks such as scheduling...


Hello all.. Please grab some time and sit back to read it and please guide me.Let me start it from the very beginning.After my schooling from Delhi in which i...

@Ashish Nanda

Samsung debuted into the IOT industry with its ARTIK module family and it has revealed its newest member the ARTIK 10. The new IOT module will start shipping next month...

@Ashish Nanda

SpaceX recently made history when they successfully landed the first stage of their Falcon 9 rocket on remote controlled platform in the sea. This was a big achievement because the...

@Ramani Aswath

An amazing Auto-rickshaw Driver Annadurai. Dropbox - Auto TED.mp4

@Ramani Aswath

Is it a robot? Is it a phone? It is Sharp’s RoBoHoN - a Miniature Robot-Smartphone Sharp’s RoBoHoN is a Miniature Robot-Smartphone - WorldIndustrial Reporter

@Ramani Aswath

Quote: If you are reading this, you probably have a relatively safe job. However, not everyone chooses a safe job for their career. Could you imagine taking a job as...

@Ramani Aswath

This webinar time: Online - May 24, 2016 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM US/Pacific Quote: This live webinar describes SystemVision® Cloud, a new, free, online design and simulation environment uniquely...

@andy jackson

hello can anyone tell me cheapest cloud sever hosting company ..thank you

@Ankita Katdare

The Japanese multinational company Panasonic has released a new smartphone called the 'Panasonic Eluga I3' in the mid-budget range, priced at Rs. 9290. Eluga I3 is a phablet with the...

@Debasmita Banerjee

The trend of miniaturization has now transformed a thermometer to a futuristic nanoscale device. A group of researchers from the University of Montreal has fabricated an ultrasmall, programmable DNA thermometer,...