  • yaa this is true now u can recharge ur mobile or lapy form a distance and that to without using wires...
    just check this out..
    u can make it as major project also...


    pls leave ur comment about this .....
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  • crazycs

    MemberNov 7, 2008

    nice idea dude have u really made that?????
    i really want one for my laptop...
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  • edgex

    MemberJul 12, 2011

    Hi, wireless charging is really possible. As per the reports researchers from MIT have designed a way and named it witricity. This concept has, made wireless charging possible, now you can be at distant place from the wires and still be able to charge your laptops. Why only charging you can also light a bulb using the process.
    Witricity uses the principles of electromagnetism, magnetic induction, resonance, resonant magnetic coupling and many more things. It is totally safe and non-radioactive rely totally on near magnetic field which is safe for living organisms. So you can try it, just go for it and benefit from #-Link-Snipped-#.
    You can also use it while you are in any other room than charger, but there are some limitations and should take care of that otherwise the transmission might stop.
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  • praba230890

    MemberJul 12, 2011

    I remember seeing one of the Intel projects which is a wireless speaker a year ago. In that project Intel demonstrated the wireless power supply for a speaker and actually this was developed to get rid of bundles of cable. I tried to do this as my final year project but my lecturers didn't allowed me to do it because of it's unsure output. Also i'm happy to share here that my blog post(<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">WIRELESS POWER TRANSMISSION -A New Hope</a>) in siliconindia about Wireless Power crossed 2000+ views and now it was given a star(Featured by Editor).
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  • Anoop Mathew

    MemberJul 16, 2011

    Hope witricity comes to reality in the near future. Any idea about how else witricity could be used?
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  • priyanka06jan

    MemberJul 28, 2011

    Hope witricity comes to reality in the near future. Any idea about how else witricity could be used?
    i m etc student wannt o do this project plz send me its detail & circuit diagram on <removed>
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  • santoshtvk

    MemberFeb 16, 2012

    cool ... than q for giving details on wireless transmission and witricity.....
    bt i want a some info whether bluetooth tech can help any way to send or recieve ee
    how electromagnetic wave can help to work for electrical
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