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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 31, 2013

    why dont heavy vehicles like trucks have an aerodynamic front like the normal cars
    I love the question! 😀 I think there would be two reasons -

    1. The heavy vehicles aren't designed for speed.

    2. The engine is HUGE - I think the design might put some limitation. Having aerodynamic design is likely to add extra length to the body.

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  • gohm

    MemberJul 31, 2013

    I think economics plays a big role as well. There are aerodynamic tractor rigs, however they would be much more costly and they already are not cheap. The cab over design I believe is the most economical and is also the least aerodynamic. Here's a Volvo tractor that's fairly aerodynamic [​IMG]

    Here's an example of the older cabover design-

    And lastly, a design from one of my favorite futurist/designer, Luigi Colani-
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberJul 31, 2013

    While it is true that areodynamics is irrelevant for short hauls at low speeds, it may make sense in cross country long hauls.
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  • Anand Tamariya

    MemberJul 31, 2013

    Instead of asking why some vehicles have aerodynamics, one should ask what is aerodynamics and what's the advantage of having such a design? Other questions will automatically be answered by extension of that answer.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 31, 2013

    I think there are two points here -
    1. Setting up aerodynamic design means the overall cost of the vehicle will go up. This could lead to lower cost of ownership to in the longer run; but looks like the truck makers aren't bothered about it.
    2. I think the point I mentioned about increase in the overall length of the vehicle might hold true. If you look at the way most of the TATA trucks are built - they have a complete living room in the cabin - there's place for two to sit and also the space behind the seats is enough to store a lot of stuff.
    Most of the trucks are designed to travel several hundreds of kilometers every day and I think setting up an aerodynamic front would need a compromise on other essential things.
    Do we have anyone from the truck manufacturing sector?
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  • zaveri

    MemberJul 31, 2013

    I think this topic has already been discussed before in this forum.
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberAug 1, 2013

    Well aerodynamically using a Truck in India has to be prohibited by law as the nature of driving trucks will soon make it not feasible for any human being to commute by road in the future

    Puns apart

    Aero design pushes cost up a lot This challenge can't be effectively answered by the manufacturer making this design not suited for freighters

    Still some freighters use them But we are not in a position to afford for them
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberAug 6, 2013

    2)design cost
    Above stated are the criterias that make manufacturers to think on implementing aerodynamics in trucks.
    Trucks were produced mainly to carry high loads and they were not meant to run at high speeds.
    Yes this question makes me to think again why dont companies consider aerodynamics.It may be due to high cost needed for aerodynamics design and method needed to produce accurate design.
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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberAug 6, 2013

    Well i m no expert in this field but i guess the aerodynamic front will be more problematic keeping in mind the traffic in india. Flat fronts fit better. But ofcourse, the cost, design, weight distribution of load traffic aspect and driver/user feasibility would have a strong role in this.

    Also with some added experience with trucks, i can say that the 10-ton capacity AL/TATA trucks have a aerodynamic front since they carry less load, are small so widely used in city transport and they already are speed controlled due to traffic. In situations they can be topped upto 60-70km/hr. However the main long distance transport is generally done with those with 16-18 ton capacity. they run on highways mostly and if given a speed efficient body, they might be faster. Its a boon but it is more tentative to lose control. Also the excessive weight behind it adds to the momentum making it more difficult to manage in adverse situations.
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  • Gurjap

    MemberAug 7, 2013

    You'll notice that aerodynamics (coupled with product design and feasibility) dictates that the vehicle be built low, i.e. its ground clearance be minimal. Note, for example, how low a Bugatti is built, or even that Volvo truck in post #3.

    And as you already know, Indian roads are less-than-optimal for such vehicles, especially heavy vehicles such as hauling trucks. Essentially, the suspension system for Indian trucks and buses is designed for "off-road" conditions (by western standards), and the aerodynamics takes a second seat to vehicle robustness.
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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberAug 7, 2013

    Aerodynamic fronts also need a highly tensile suspension system. Keeping in mind the amount of weight they carry, it doesn't just fit the Indian Transport System. It will definitely increase cost and hinder alot of other aspects.
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  • bhargav khanpara

    MemberOct 14, 2013

    because aerodynamic shape hae minimum dreg co-efficient
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  • The Observer

    MemberOct 15, 2013

    But it does save cost for long highway hauls by giving less drag and hence maybe a noteworthy extra mileage .
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  • bhargav khanpara

    MemberOct 15, 2013

    by giving aerodynamic shape we can reduce the fuel consumption.......
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  • bhargav khanpara

    MemberOct 15, 2013

    by aerodynamic shape we can reduce the fuel consumption
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberOct 15, 2013

    Kaustubh Katdare
    I love the question! 😀 I think there would be two reasons -

    1. The heavy vehicles aren't designed for speed.

    2. The engine is HUGE - I think the design might put some limitation. Having aerodynamic design is likely to add extra length to the body.

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    Yes the placement of engine plays a main role in this design consideration.As we are dealing with trucks which are solely produced mainly for carrying high loads, there is a great need for placing it in front of trucks to increase space for loads.The larger Engine makes it complicated to design a good aerodynamic design as this leads to increase the length of the truck.It will be difficult to design it areodynamically because of the overall height of the truck and width.We know that most race cars had been given low ground clearence to increase speed but in trucks we cant do that.
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