  • Today is Engineer's Day in India. Looking back at the past 1 year of craziness, we'd all agree that somewhere down the line, we're still the same old donkeys who work for the Big Guys. Well excuse my abruptness and tell me what is the 'next big thing' you want to see happen from India rather than from any other country in the world. The past years has already seen how a radical change has come in gadget selection - the transition from normal phones to smartphones and phablets, the change from Ambassadors to various other foreign models of vehicles, CRTs to LCDs and LEDs, and what not; and now Pranav Mistry has developed Samsung Gear and our very own @#-Link-Snipped-# sir had engineered a marvel for Walt Disney. I also happened to hear last night on the radio that 20000 Indians have applied for the one way trip to Mars. What next??? Let's think!
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberSep 14, 2013

    OK, here is what i think about. We have seen lot of changes and you know you have stated something like we are still working for Big guys, there are people who moved and made a difference to their life in the past year!

    So the next big thing for any country I dont know , but next big for us or for any individual if planned then I think that makes a difference to that individual and slowly to the country itself.

    A one line answer would be, people will be more into entrepreneurship than last year 😀
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  • Alok mishra

    MemberSep 15, 2013

    2014 polls results and repercussions as modi is there nevertheless i hate politics as it deserves.
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberSep 15, 2013

    As for me I consider it is a good question to think and act according to it.I dont think a advancement in technology alone dont develop a real nation.There has to be a political and educational reformation.People has to be aware of their surrounding happenings.
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  • Anand Tamariya

    MemberSep 15, 2013

    Next big thing? People whom you credit for creating "big thing" never started with such an objective (think Wright brothers, Bose, Dolby, Edison etc). They actually tried to solve a practical problem, experimented with lot of things and then found what works. As someone said, the best way to predict future is to create it!!
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