Ubuntu To End Traditional Release Cycle, No New Ubuntu In Every Six Months!

One thing every Linux user waits for is a new release in every six months. Like other distros, Canonical has also been releasing new versions of its Debian based OS Ubuntu in every six months. But in every two years, they also have an LTS version. Canonical provides support for LTS version for a longer time than others. This cycle for LTS versions repeats after two years.
Current LTS version is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, that was released in April, 2012 (hence the name 12.04). Next LTS is scheduled to be released after two year, in April 14.06. Between that Canonical will release three more versions. So, the question is why these three extra OS? Well, according to Leann Ogasawara, kernel team manager at Canonical, they are also thinking about it. Canonical wants to deliver both stability and cutting-edge features, which is kind of tough with continuous releases in every six months.
Now, the proposal here is that after 14.04 LTS, the next launch would be 16.04 LTS. Yes, nothing in those two years! Of-course, there would be a lot of updates, but it will save Canonical a lot of time. Recently Red Hat also ditched the six month timeline with Fedora 18. I am an LTS lover, and I am ready to wait till 14.04, but if you are eager to experience kernel 3.8, be ready for Ubuntu 13.04, coming in April, 2013!
via Ubuntu considers “huge” change that would end traditional release cycle | Ars Technica


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