  • gohm

    MemberMar 2, 2009

    toyota iReal

    Toyota's new concept personal transport the iReal:


    video & review located here: #-Link-Snipped-#

    20 mph top speed, couple hour charge. Morphs between two settings and leans into turns like Piaggio's 3 wheeled scooter. Is this just a souped up wheelchair? Segway part II? Is this the coolest thing ever? Or an excuse for people to get lazier & fatter? Will we all have one (or want one)?
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberMar 2, 2009

    Although I would agree that Segway too is an excuse for people to get lazy and fat, Its better seems better to me than ireal.

    But it is good for amputees though 😀
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberMar 3, 2009

    No shower or toilet facilities? 😛
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  • gohm

    MemberMar 3, 2009

    why, you can just drive through a lawn sprinkler! lol

    I am amazed at the design and technology of the device however however saddened by the slothness of the idea. Although if it had longer battery life via continued development, you could commute.
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  • khooper

    MemberMay 6, 2009

    I like the idea, or the concept, but it is too abstract to actually make people buy it sooner than later. Maybe a redesign the #-Link-Snipped-# of the outlook should give a better shot for this concept car, but total I think it would be perfect and great!
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  • Red Hawk

    MemberMay 11, 2009

    this may be useful or might be a gift for the physically challenged but for normal humans, it is not advisory.. As said earlier, it makes a healthy man fattier and lazier.. If it is strictly followed that it is sold only for those challenged ones, it is a new technological advancement which should be appreciated.
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  • raj87verma88

    MemberMay 11, 2009

    Looks like a wheel chair from the future.
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  • gohm

    MemberMay 11, 2009

    actually it is not designed or meant for handicapped or special needs people. It is indeed for personal transport
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  • gsk_ssit

    MemberApr 20, 2010

    can i get full information about the design and ergonomics
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  • Nima Ambhurkar

    MemberApr 22, 2010

    We don't need it for personal transport unless we are too old to walk around. I suggest people here watch the film 'Wall-E'. It's a bit similar to the topic on this discussion. Of course, technology is taking a whole new turn, but it will make the common man lazier.
    PS: It's an animated film.
    actually it is not designed or meant for handicapped or special needs people. It is indeed for personal transport
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