  • Ever since personal computers were invented, I believe the most common problem all users have faced is 'Hard Disk Crash'. I thought of compiling the top reasons why a hard disk may fail. Here are few that came to my mind -

    1. Physical Damage: When you carry your HDD with you, the R/W arm may get dislocated.
    2. File System Corruption: Not sure why this happens though.
    3. Malware / Virus related damage.

    I request all our talented CS/IT engineers to extend this list along with the reasons and also contribute the recovery solutions.
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  • prabalmtr

    MemberJan 30, 2011

    Ever since personal computers were invented, I believe the most common problem all users have faced is 'Hard Disk Crash'. I thought of compiling the top reasons why a hard disk may fail. Here are few that came to my mind -
    1. Physical Damage: When you carry your HDD with you, the R/W arm may get dislocated.
    2. File System Corruption: Not sure why this happens though.
    3. Malware / Virus related damage.

    I request all our talented CS/IT engineers to extend this list along with the reasons and also contribute the recovery solutions.

    one reason that i came across two time in last one year is DIRECT POWER FAILURE.
    i left my system opened "WITHOUT UPS" on raw power supply in night while listening to music and slept.... probaly there was power failure in that duration and i found my computer with a dead hard disk. Same thing happened again when i kept system on raw supply and left system opened in the night..... this fatal led again to same crashing situation 😔

    so, what i concluded is-->

    REASON:- direct power failure again and again aover time.

    HELP:- always keep your hard disk bills at hand so that you can visit to nearest hard-disk centre. they will take your crashed disk and copy of bill and will provide you new/replaced hard disk within few weeks. 😀 (meanwhile you will have to try alternate for your job)

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  • Sachin Jain

    MemberJan 31, 2011

    @ prabalmtr
    Due to sudden changes in power supply, bad sectors come in hard disk.
    Thats why you need to have UPS.Once Bad sectors come you can not repair it.
    You have to go manufacturing company.they will repair your HD..
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  • sushant005

    MemberJan 31, 2011

    Reasons for Bad Sector :-
    1> Bad Sector are usually due to the cross- linked files which results in overwriting a portion of a file with another file.
    2> Another reason is when the head make the contact with the head patter. And this contact is generally due to direct(sudden) shut down of PC.
    3>Bad Sector are also due to magnetic weakening that results in magnetic area of disk lost the magnetic power and hence inability to hold data and this spread and make whole hard disk failure. So all this bad sector lead to the failure of hard disk .
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