  • We all are stupid in various situations. Sometimes our actions look stupid to others and sometimes we intentionally do stupid things. This thread is dedicated to all the stories about the stupidest things you've ever done in college. Share them here! Looking forward to interesting stupid stuff! 😀
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  • Anoop Mathew

    MemberSep 28, 2011

    Craziness Re-Defined!

    @Biggie: Stupidity is a synonym for craziness. But stupidity is negative while craziness can be taken in a different sense.

    Anyways, i'll tell you some of the crazy things I've done in college (or in hostel).

    1. I've actually 'tasted' the following:
    a. Various brands of powders (Cynthol, Ponds and one other local brand, and one which was expired)
    b. Colognes(Royal Mirage, Club77, Axe)
    c. Shaving creams(Gillette, Nivea)
    d. After-shaves(Park Avenue, Old Spice)
    e. Moisturizing cream(Himalaya)
    f. EXO dish wash liquid (was the worst and most bitter taste)
    g. Tooth-pastes (Colgate is my favorite, Close-Up)
    h. Shoe-polish (Kiwi)
    i. Axe-Oil (saw Methyl Alcohol written on the label just before i was about to gargle it down!)
    My friends have actually taken a video of it!

    2. On one wild night when the hostel food got over, my friends and i, made coffee using my steel plate and 4 candles on the floor of our room! Was a different experience, and even in the craziness, we were able to drink some good coffee!!!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 28, 2011

    @anoop: Hats off friend. Which tasted the best? (Your recommendation would be a good start for the others 😉 )
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  • Anoop Mathew

    MemberSep 28, 2011

    @anoop: Hats off friend. Which tasted the best? (Your recommendation would be a good start for the others 😉 )
    I'm yet to taste Cyanide 😛. Paper bits are lovely during boring lectures and toothpaste for keeping a fresh breath. Try Colgate Herbal (Green Colour), but don't try to swallow Colgate Gel, may cause bad motions! 😉
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  • Anoop Mathew

    MemberSep 28, 2011

    And here's another CLUE to LOOSING WEIGHT: Don't brush your teeth before breakfast/morning coffee, always brush after coffee or meals. Try this out, you'll surely see a difference in the way food tastes and bowel breaks😁
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  • narayana murthy

    MemberSep 28, 2011

    i kept a rheostat in minimum position instead of maximum position for a D.C motor control and started it then suddenly motor started at high speed instead of not running
    its a armature circuit
    thats my first lab on machines i experienced a surprise on it and i never done that mistake later
    my goodness that working after that incident too
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  • Paul.

    MemberSep 28, 2011

    I fall asleep at the French and the teacher catch me😀 I think this is the stupid thing I've done in the college
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorSep 28, 2011

    I could never use the 'pipette' correctly in chemistry class. Somehow, I always used to suck the acid in, instead of blowing it out. 😀 😐

    I have been caught drawing cartoons on the last page of my notebook in a boring management extra-lecture. 😁
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberSep 28, 2011

    I fall asleep at the French and the teacher catch me😀 I think this is the stupid thing I've done in the college
    That was very common with one of my classmate but our group was smart so we always hide him from teacher. 😀

    I Remember Once Lecturer asked my roommate to standup and explain "Snubber Circuit" but he didn't get it so asked me in sign language and i told him 'Number Circuit" and my roommate was genius so he explain "Number Circuit". 😉
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  • Mr.Don

    MemberSep 30, 2011

    Jumping out of the window from workshop lab in my first year. I felt very bad about that engineers has to cut wood but later it is my external exam and I have to cut wood exactly according to the dimensions but eventually did it with help of lab assistant. 😛
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  • Rupam Das

    MemberSep 30, 2011

    I short circuited the entire electricity. Stupid fellows did not have proper SC protection. I told them . they laughed. So I did what I could do best
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberSep 30, 2011

    Andhra 'varsity did not have a swimming pool in 1957. One was built later, got ready and filled with water. Since the State Governor, who was also the Chancellor of the 'Varsity was busy the pool was not inaugurated. A watchman posted at the only entrance gate to prevent students from getting in.

    I cannot swim then (or even now). However, I got quite annoyed and collected a bunch of hostel mates and went to the back wall. This was a rough stone wall with enough foot holds. I climbed over first and went to the pool side. Not knowing much about pools, I just jumped into the diving end of the pool and promptly went under. By then my hostel mates had also climbed in. Every one thought that that I must be an expert as otherwise I would not have jumped into the deep end and staying down. Fortunately my room mate shouted,'Ramani is dying!' An excellent swimmer from Kearla, he jumped in and dragged me out. They all spent some time pumping out water that I managed to take in.

    There was a tragic end to the story. One of our colleagues, who was away while all this was going on came back at night. Unfortunately he dived in head first in the shallowest portion of the pool and hit his head on the floor, lost consciousness and died. We found the body the next day.

    I never went back there again.
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  • haru31773

    MemberOct 1, 2011

    just recently, we performed our final defense ON THE SPOT no practice no preparations.. and 50/50 chance of graduating 😁
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  • durga ch

    MemberOct 1, 2011

    i was way too stupid in many instances,
    while wlaking to the cafeteria area, i accidently stepped on slippery wet muddway and did not slip. I was way too happy on way back as i did not slip and deliberately steeped on the areas and slipped :-s. i have this weird character of bumping into things, falling and loosing balance for no reason. I fell off from the library stairs and was happy no one saw it.All this happened when i was still considered a fresher at college .
    A seniors walks to me and says - " I came to know you fell down", i said - " yes sir, i fell down from the stairs" (i did not have to mention it , but I did as stupid I was), he replied -" from the stairs??? i thought you fell in mud, so you fell twice !!??".
    I learnt a lesson of not answering more than needed
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  • Manashree Thokal

    MemberOct 2, 2011

    I found answering my roll call in EVERY lecture very boring initially as we did it just once a day in school. So, I skipped my roll calls usually (knowingly) and got in detention list. 😁

    I was stupid 😛
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  • Anoop Mathew

    MemberOct 3, 2011

    I found answering my roll call in EVERY lecture very boring initially as we did it just once a day in school. So, I skipped my roll calls usually (knowingly) and got in detention list. 😁

    I was stupid 😛
    Sometimes you feel insane with the rules. Some people get into your head and eat your brain (but they don't kill you). Today I did a really 'stupid' thing. I replied promptly to our HOD who also happens to be my project guide; he thought i was trying to teach him, and believe me these old people get into your head so easily and they take things in a different manner. He finally threw my project report across the room and told me to 'obey' what he says.

    P.S. Let me ask you, is it wrong to make your point clear even if he's the President of India??? Such MOODY people!!! Really stupid of me to have let him misunderstand me!!! And he seems to have that ego problem too!!!! Grrr!!!!😡
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  • Anoop Mathew

    MemberNov 11, 2012

    Do we still have stupidity in us even in 2012? I guess we ought to get matured with time.

    P.S: Can't believe I did those stupid things back then (see earlier posts).
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  • sweet_honey

    MemberNov 11, 2012

    Recently I was on bunk with my friends to discuss on the major project. The stupidity done by us was that we chose the place to discuss was infront of HOD's chamber.

    After that one of our senior professor asked us the reason to sit there and also that don't we have any lectures then the daring/stupid reply that came was.. "Sir, is taking class with 10 students inside."
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberNov 12, 2012

    While in college,whole day seems boring at the end if nothing crazy, exiting or stupid thing done...😏
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberNov 12, 2012

    I remember showing off with the burrette to all my class mates in the first year and ended up paying a huge fine as I broke the burette and the pippete which I used
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  • zaveri

    MemberNov 15, 2012

    During the Chemistry lab end semester exam, i performed the titration , using only one hand.

    the other hand was inserted in my trouser pocket.

    the examiner who caught me in the act, demanded to know if i was trying to show-off to the girls.
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  • Umesh Kumar Rai

    MemberNov 26, 2012

    I used to sit in the front bench and used to sleep. My Data structure lecturer literally gave up after so many attempts to keep me awake.
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberNov 26, 2012

    Umesh Kumar Rai
    I used to sit in the front bench and used to sleep. My Data structure lecturer literally gave up after so many attempts to keep me awake.
    Just like me But I sleep mostly in my Electrical Engineering classes and some times in Data structures 😁
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  • CE Designer

    MemberNov 27, 2012

    In first year I used to break classes to go to the beach. Something I regret to this day.
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