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  • The_Small_k

    MemberJul 8, 2011

    Are you using internet connection to send sms ?
    As you said your project is "security through mobile" what does it mean ?
    Are you using communication API'S to do your projects ?
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  • imgopi

    MemberJul 9, 2011

    Hai i want to update my password on database and that password is send to user mobile.
    When more than one user try to login with same user id and password then password is updated...that is my idea.
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  • The_Small_k

    MemberJul 9, 2011

    I think you want to limit the login user for same profile right ?
    So for that purpose you need to select SMS gateway and but i don't know weather it is free of cost or have to paid some amount for that.
    But if you want to use the others services like way2sms,160by2 you can send free sms to mobiles.
    I think there is some jar files like way2sms.jar which provide these facility.Goole them you may find it.
    Well the best way is to decompile the class file and view the source code to learn.Download a java decompiler and decompile the free way2sms tools for mobile apps and try to understand the code and write your own.
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  • imgopi

    MemberJul 10, 2011

    ya i get mail.jar and activation.jar files ...ok friend thanks for your reply.
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