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  • pricks

    MemberSep 6, 2009

    tell me about gtalk connection settings

    when we open gtalk->settings->connections appears . I want to know what is host and port in that dialog box that appears .
    i want to know what exactly is host in those settings and what is its use??
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  • pricks

    MemberSep 6, 2009

    tell me about connection settings

    when we open gtalk->settings->connections appears . I want to know what is host and port in that dialog box that appears .
    i want to know what exactly is host in those settings and what is its use??
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  • Aashish Joshi

    MemberSep 14, 2009

    Are you referring to proxy settings?? in that case, the host refers to the server's ip address and the port refers to the port to which the server has granted access.


    port 808

    Also, please try and exercise a little patience. Posting a problem multiple times does not ensure that it is attended to or solved quickly.
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