  • My Pick

    1) Forest Gump
    2) Jerry McGuire [ if you want to know where from "show me the money" and "you complete me" has come]
    3) Boiler Room
    4) Guru ( Hindi)
    5) Pyrites of Silicon Velly
    6) Pursuit of Happiness
    8) To Sir With Love
    9) Aviator
    10) Catch Me if You can
    11) Wall Street ( The Original One)

    What's Your pick?
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorSep 30, 2011

    I have seen only a half of them, but my personal favorite is 'Guru'. Have seen it multiple times.

    I think 'Rocket Singh- Salesman of the Year' (hindi) can also go to this list. A one-time watch movie for people going for start-ups.
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  • Reya

    MemberSep 30, 2011

    I have watched only two movies "wall street" and " Pursuit of happiness".
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberSep 30, 2011

    'Rocket Singh- Salesman of the Year' (Hindi) - This one is Mine Favorite too.

    Are you Sure about "Catch Me If You Can" ??
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  • Mahesh Dahale

    MemberSep 30, 2011

    My Favorite A Beautiful Mind...
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  • Rupam Das

    MemberSep 30, 2011

    My Favorite A Beautiful Mind...
    But ofcourse I missed that.
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  • Rupam Das

    MemberOct 1, 2011

    and here are few more
    The Greatest Game Ever Played(must watch this, a sports movie but pretty inspiring)

    Social Network
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorOct 4, 2011

    Here are some published by Entrepreneur Magazine:

    1. Citizen Kane

    Kane raised himself up by his bootstraps, beginning his entrepreneurial career by taking control of a small-town newspaper and building a media empire. A larger-than-life figure who ran for governor and lived on a 49,000-acre estate he created called Xanadu, Kane died uttering the enigmatic word "rosebud."

    Lesson: We're not recommending Kane's business tactics, among them sensationalist journalism. This is more of a cautionary tale of the downside of power and ego.

    2. It's a wonderful Life

    Synopsis: On Christmas Eve, Bailey's uncle loses all the business's money on his way to the bank. The money is discovered by a millionaire banker who hides it, jeopardizing the future of Bailey's business. In a turn of events, Bailey is visited by his guardian angel, Clarence, who teaches him that life is wonderful -- with or without the money. In the end, Bailey's neighbors bail him out and the business goes on.
    Lesson: When the going gets tough, you don't have to give up. Also, it doesn't hurt to have several wealthy, generous friends.
    3. Ghost Busters

    Synopsis: After losing their credibility in academia, three professors -- one a bona fide scientist, one a supernatural historian and a third who relies mostly on his charm -- search for their second act. They team up to form a business as ghost eradicators.
    Lesson: Most business owners might not deal in evil spirits and proton packs, but many should be able to relate to the roller-coaster ride these guys experience while starting up. The trio goes from having no customers to being an overnight success to going through an unexpected shutdown.

    4. Baby Boom

    Synopsis: Wiatt is surprised when an inheritance she receives from a relative isn't cash. It's a baby. Wiatt leaves the hustle and bustle of the Big Apple and moves to a house in the country. With the property dotted with apple trees, she begins making all-natural applesauce for the child, and it develops into a multimillion-dollar business venture.
    Lesson: Wiatt's circumstances may be bit unrealistic (how did she finance the new digs and business?) but her struggle balancing work and life is real. When life gives you apples, make applesauce, right?
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorOct 4, 2011

    5. Forrest Gump

    Synopsis: When Gump becomes a Ping-Pong champ and earns $25,000 from a product endorsement, he buys a boat and launches a shrimping business to honor the dream of friend and former Vietnam War comrade Bubba Blue. Gump turns to ex-Army pal Dan Taylor to be his business partner.
    Lesson: The power of friendship can go a long way. The success of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. goes to show the right business partnership can affect not only your bottom line but also your personal life. The movie inspired a chain of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. | Seafood Restaurant Chain in the USA & International</a> restaurants with locations in the U.S. and abroad. As Gump says, "Life's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
    6. Jerry Maguire

    Synopsis: Stressed out and upset about what he thinks is dishonesty in the sports management business, Maguire leaves the sports agency he'd been working for. He recruits an assistant and starts his own agency, focusing on his one remaining client: a disgruntled football player who puts Maguire's resolve and abilities to the test.
    Lesson: Hard work, determination and the right set of skills can eventually pay off when pursuing an entrepreneurial venture.
    7. The Aviator

    Synopsis: At age 17, Hughes was handed the keys to his father's tool company and later founded Hughes Aircraft Co. in 1932. He became known for breaking aviation records and testing new aircraft himself. But he was a man of many passions. He also became a Hollywood director, producer and headed production company RKO Pictures in the late 1940s.

    Lesson: Much is made of Hughes' obsessive-compulsive disorder and descent into madness in The Aviator, but he was a true entrepreneur. While he might have had a relatively easy entry into business by means of his father's company and money, his fascination with the industry and dedication to teaching himself everything about it were admirable.
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  • ritesh05

    MemberOct 26, 2011

    Pursuit of happiness
    for sure
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  • samchn07

    MemberDec 16, 2011

    i would pick the all you given , such are really good inspiring movies to watch!
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  • Pensu

    MemberDec 16, 2011

    I dont think "A beautiful Mind" is related to entrepreneurship. Anyways my personal favorite is "Pirates of silicon valley", have watched it more than 100 times.
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberDec 20, 2011

    Woah! The collection is awesome... Am gonna watch them when time permits! 😀 Thankz for those who compiled this! 😀 Took a note! 😁
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  • rambof07

    MemberAug 22, 2012

    Rupam Das
    My Pick

    1) Forest Gump
    2) Jerry McGuire [ if you want to know where from "show me the money" and "you complete me" has come]
    3) Boiler Room
    4) Guru ( Hindi)
    5) Pyrites of Silicon Velly
    6) Pursuit of Happiness
    8) To Sir With Love
    9) Aviator
    10) Catch Me if You can
    11) Wall Street ( The Original One)

    What's Your pick?
    Rupam Das
    My Pick

    1) Forest Gump
    2) Jerry McGuire [ if you want to know where from "show me the money" and "you complete me" has come]
    3) Boiler Room
    4) Guru ( Hindi)
    5) Pyrites of Silicon Velly
    6) Pursuit of Happiness
    8) To Sir With Love
    9) Aviator
    10) Catch Me if You can
    11) Wall Street ( The Original One)

    What's Your pick?
    Really good movies you have suggested. Thanks for it because i like that kind of movies..
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 22, 2012

    Has anyone seen the Shuttlecock Boys? I guess #-Link-Snipped-# did.
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  • Ambarish Ganesh

    MemberAug 22, 2012

    Has anyone seen the Shuttlecock Boys? I guess #-Link-Snipped-# did.
    Yep! A very good (and simple) movie indeed. 😀

    The story revolves around four guys who start a catering business and divide responsibilities among themselves. Then the differences between them erupt and how they overcome it all to make it big forms the crux of the story.

    It may seem all overtly sugary and positive, but the movie is quite convincing. 👍
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorSep 9, 2012

    Here are two new additions to the list that I came across while reading some blog -

    E-Dreams (2001)
    Director: Wonsuk Chin
    Message: Not all ideas will become the Next Big Thing.
    Summary: An in-depth look at the highs and lows of a dot com. The movie follows the founders of as they raise money and file for IPO. But no one has predicted the market crash in April 2000.
    --------------------------------------------------------------------- (2001)
    Director: Chris Hegedus, Jehane Noujaim
    Message: Startups are a rollercoaster.
    Summary: Traces the birth and failure of new media company
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberSep 10, 2012

    Cult classic : Kagaz ke phool
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  • Rupam Das

    MemberSep 11, 2012

    "No Reservation"
    Cat Zet' Zones Classic. Especially Women Entrepreneurs Would love it. Watch it if you have not already watched it.
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  • Rupam Das

    MemberSep 11, 2012

    "The Terminal"

    Tom Hanks. Awesome movie. One of my Spliberg best picks.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 11, 2012

    Rupam Das
    "The Terminal"

    Tom Hanks. Awesome movie. One of my Spliberg best picks.
    Why is it an inspiring movie for entrepreneurs? 😒
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  • Rupam Das

    MemberSep 11, 2012

    You get into trouble. Ordinary Employee will feel lost ( He lost his Job). Here Hero Lost his Nation. Employee can not find another Job ( symbolic Hero can not Get another Nation).

    He does not know the skills require to survive so he learns the essentials to survive in the terminal. Once he starts getting accustomed More people oppose him. They are your relatives.

    Finally you win everybody and all enemies Won. If you are cool about your work and Enjoy you succeed.
    ( Love Spilberg Symbolism)
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  • Sameer_Ahmed

    MemberOct 30, 2012

    'Rocket Singh- Salesman of the Year' (Hindi) - This one is Mine Favorite too.

    Are you Sure about "Catch Me If You Can" ??
    Absolutely Because of His Innovative Idea of Making Fake Check!
    That's a good business too....
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  • Anoop Mathew

    MemberNov 4, 2012

    "Accepted" - for those who think outside the box. 😉
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  • Ambarish Ganesh

    MemberMar 19, 2013

    I'll add 'Boiler Room' to the list. 😀 Good movie.
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  • ritesh05

    MemberMar 19, 2013

    personal best - pursuit of happyness ' As the great thomas jefferson says you can only pursue happyness & a best quotes for an entreprenuere - "You got a dream. you gotta protect it . people can't do something themselves ,they wanna tell you can't do it . If u want something go get it" .
    I want to add 'social network ' to it .
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 19, 2013

    Yeah, Pursuit of Happiness is a nice movie and inspiring one. 👍
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  • ritesh05

    MemberMar 19, 2013

    schindler's list
    Oskar Schindler the 'legend' who saves the life of many awesome business man .. A real hero ...... Speilberg at it best ....
    A movie you can't miss... after watching this movie cried alot ... very inspiring all CEan should watch it ......
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