  • Indian ecommerce is an interesting industry. It's skyrocketed in the recent times, with no profit making strategy and by burning investor's money. Yeah - almost all of the e commerce companies in India are making loss on every transaction. How do these companies stay relevant in the longer run? No one knows! There will have to be a time when the companies will have to stand on their own feet!

    What I've been hearing now is that Alibaba is looking to acquire Flipkart; a major stake in it; if not the controlling one. Flipkart's currently valued at $15 billion; which I think is way more than what it's worth.

    Acquisition or a major stake in Flipkart will give Alibaba a stronger position against threat from Jeff Bezos' Amazon which ain't got any scarcity of cash.

    What do you think? Alibaba's entry will make the game more interesting?
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  • Vikram S Bargah

    MemberFeb 3, 2016

    Alibaba has already entered in India by investing in One97 Communications alias Paytm. Interestingly its showing Paytm to go there way by focusing on everything other than cellphones & tablets. well this can be the turning point in Indian E-Commerce industry.

    Source: '<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Paytm plans to upset Flipkart by changing rules of e-commerce game - Hindustan Times</a>'
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