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  • zaveri

    MemberApr 14, 2013

    Of course yes.
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  • riteshbstkr

    MemberApr 17, 2013

    flywheel is neccesary for every engine it stores a power from working stage i.e. expansion to non working stage i.e compression
    also it take smooth operation to engine.
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  • The myth buster

    MemberApr 25, 2013

    of course flywheels are used in majorly every engine..they act as reservoirs of enery and store or provide energy according to the situation..example during power stroke, it stores energy which it looses during the remaining strokes where not enough torque is generaged..refer any TOM book to see the torque-angle of rotation diagram for various types of engines..simplest being for a single cylinder 4 stroke engine..!!
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