  • Hello CEans!
    I want you to pour in the knowledge and reviews about the network marketing or we can say multi-level marketing.
    there are a lot of companies which offer such thing to peoples..
    mostly the youngsters are involved in these kind of business.
    it is like working part time and making a lot of money.
    may be Iam wrong sometime, so I want you all to take part in this.
    whether you had experienced such thing or your friends had ever told you about this,
    If yes, then please tell it over here and help those who are new to this thing.
    Hope to get a full speed response from all of you..

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  • sarveshgupta

    MemberDec 6, 2009

    Network marketing is like for a nominal fee, you can register with a certain company in order to build up an organisation based around their products or services. You are classed as an independent business owner: registered with, but not employed by, the parent company.

    Now it is a chain when you register say you make it the first level for the company.. You introduce this to more people may be your friends and encourage them to do it..So now you have made them join again you are spreading the word for the company

    This means again you get some pay for doing that... Your friends again spread that forward and add more people

    But remember they will still be in your downline only as you are the root node of this expanding tree so you will always get some pay from the company

    In short a chain reaction that itself propagates and help company market their products for much less than that would have been done by spending fortunes of money for ADs and commercials...

    Hope you get it
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  • sarveshgupta

    MemberDec 6, 2009

    It doesn't have anything to do with part-time or full-time

    It is just make it happen to add more and more people in the chain or sell the companies products as and when you can do it, be it any point of time

    There are many companies in India and many youngsters who are getting into these things to earn some money ...
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  • kumar_nitin

    MemberDec 7, 2009

    heartly thanks Mr.Sarvesh,
    the information was really good enough.
    But what do you think about this??
    and many of our CEans what thinks about this multi-level marketing systems??
    are they good or bad as a business.. or any other type of comment on it..

    Hello all CEans..
    I request you all to do participate here..
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  • sarveshgupta

    MemberDec 7, 2009

    This is somewhat good as you are able to make money for anything else but making more and more people join whether or not you are able to sell their products

    For youngsters who cannot devote much time in any other part time job or call centers where the schedule is so hectic and also have to manage studies and go to college-- this seems a cool option

    this is my point maybe many may not agree to this
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  • kumar_nitin

    MemberDec 8, 2009

    Oh thats my opinion too..
    Its a good alternative to those who wants to earn but dont have enough time.
    also many advantages..
    one have a golden chance to improve his/her personality and communication skills, and most important the leadership skills!!
    Am I right CEans??
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  • sarveshgupta

    MemberDec 8, 2009

    Yes surely nitin
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