  • Hi All,

    I'm currently involved in a project related to solar energy. Its a project to light up village streets using solar energy. We are just at the start up of project and I want to know what all will we require in designing a simple solar street lamp and what will it cost.

    Waiting for your suggestions and replies to improve the idea.

    Thanks and regards,
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  • Differential

    MemberAug 20, 2009

    Well, if you ask me it's a damn good idea ! It will certainly save electricity. Also it will be very much useful for Indian villages very there is a very less and inconsistent supply of electricity. Also many times, electricity powered street lamps are ON during daylight when they are not needed, thus causing huge wastage of energy. With a switch in solar powered lamps, this wastage of power can be totally avoided. For that only one action will be ON at a time (ie. charging or discharging of cells) If there is ample amount of solar light to charge the solar-cells, surely it can lit the streets as well. When there is not ample solar-light to charge the cells, surely streets need to be lit. So at a given point of time solar-cells will either be charging or discharging hence managing their operations themselves.
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  • Mrunalini

    MemberAug 20, 2009

    Thanks for your opinion Differential.
    Can u help me in identifying the things which are required to assemble a simple street lamp.
    I need help on this.
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  • Mrunalini

    MemberAug 20, 2009

    Thanks for your opinion Differential.
    Can u help me in identifying the things which are required to assemble a simple street lamp.
    I need help on this.
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  • Differential

    MemberAug 21, 2009

    Yeah, sure, why not?
    The biggest challange in this project (as per me) is size of solar panels. Could you please gather data on that front (reg existing solar powered applications)?
    Then comes an eqipment to store the energy received during daytime. Then comes battery which will provide extra energy required in case of rainy days when solar energy is not sufficient.

    I would appreciate if you study an existing solar powered electronics devise.
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  • wassup

    MemberAug 21, 2009

    Lets start from basics. See if you can design all these.
    1) Lights: You can use CFLs, but they require larger panels. Use LEDs which will save overall costs
    2) LED driver circuit. DC-DC buck converter
    3)Solar Charge controller -MPPT circuit
    4) Battery - Lead Acid
    5) Automatic control of light ON OFF
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