  • Hi guys!can somebody help me in installing visual studio 6.0 professional version in windows 7?while trying to install i got a set up error as set up is unable to read the file and run from where u originally ran it.i tried installing the software directly from cd..but i cudnt do help me in installing..
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  • rishi0922

    MemberJul 14, 2010

    If you have XP then first try it in XP to clearify that your set up of visual studio 6.0 in corrupted or not. And if it is running in XP then the set up is not corrupted. Then try it in Win 7 and if again the set up in unable to read then update your Win 7.

    This is all i am able to understand......../
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  • optimystix

    MemberJul 14, 2010

    Hi guys!can somebody help me in installing visual studio 6.0 professional version in windows 7?while trying to install i got a set up error as set up is unable to read the file and run from where u originally ran it.i tried installing the software directly from cd..but i cudnt do help me in installing..
    the error probably means the source is corrupt, in this case your cd. try getting another source for the software.
    if there is any other error or issue, please do report.

    p.s. : win 7 has got its own issues with vb 6 but not related to the error u have mentioned.
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  • Reya

    MemberJul 16, 2010

    hey i have tried installing vb6 in windows xp..Its working perfectly.wen i tried in windows 7 the installation is not completed successfully.I think i have to update my winds 7..Anyway thank you guys for the reply!!
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  • optimystix

    MemberJul 16, 2010

    that means ur cd is fine. I searched over the net and found a few methods for installing vb6 on win7 that seem to work for people. u may like to chk them out too

    The following is the procedure for XP and Vista, but I am guessing it will
    work on Windows 7 also. Create a file named MSJAVA.DLL (it can be 0 bytes
    long, the important thing is to create a file with this name) and put it in
    your Windows directory. Now install VB6 and you shouldn't be bothered by the
    message. Once you have finished installing VB6, just delete that file and
    all should be well.
    or check this <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Install VB6 on Windows 7</a> too

    try and see if works 😀
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  • Reya

    MemberJul 16, 2010

    thank u so much😀
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