  • hi members.😀 i stepped into final year of electronics and electrical engineering 😉....i know this is the crucial stage to decide my career...i have decided to work after B.E and side by side to prepare for GATE .I thought of appearing Gate this time but i feel i don't have much time to prepare (6 months approx )as i have to concentrate on academic as well as my final year project 😀 😨.so members give me some suggestions whether it is wise to write gate after preparing for an year?????.another main reason is because i have to compete in open category so have to score good marks !!!😔 .if this is a wise decision den Wat stuffs should i prepare for placement ?? my area of interest is Embedded systems ....
    waiting for your valuable replies ......😀
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  • HRG

    MemberAug 5, 2012

    why no replieszzz ;(
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  • rohit330

    MemberAug 5, 2012

    Well, two years before i was at the same stage. With my final year on EEE i have tried appearing for GATE but i couldn't went through. Later after the graduation i was totally confused whether to go for a job or GATE preparations.. I can understand that state of mind. At this point of time, what i can suggest to you is try preparing now itself. Right now, you are on that pace..You will be knowing whole idea. Just need to brush up things, that's all. If you are into a job, there are possibilities that you will be too much occupied, again it depends on the domain. Of course, it doesn't mean that its not possible to prepare for GATE side by side, but it will be more difficult than now. You have got 6 months.. You have got time. Brush up through the previous year topics. Do a analysis on net and identify the trend, the pattern and kick off. All the best.. 😀
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  • HRG

    MemberAug 10, 2012

    hmm OK Thanks 😀 i'll try my best 😀​
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  • Abhinav tyagi

    MemberSep 13, 2014

    Hi Team ,
    I am in same condition above but my IT exp is 4 .. age 26... i am planning to write gate 2015.... passed cse 2010. & in a confused stage can I do good if i start preparing now.....just 5 months left for exam.... I can give 3-5 hours daily to my study ...planning to join online classes. Is it like by doing gate preparation... I will be able to crack other exams for CSE in government sector
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorSep 14, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# It is very much possible for you to get a decent score by studying vigorously in the next 5 months. It all depends on how good you are with various subjects and topics at the initial stage. You can follow the advice shared by #-Link-Snipped-# in the post above.
    A lot of IT engineers crack GATE with flying colors and go for M.Tech, so you might find some of your colleagues doing the same.

    Also, when it comes to cracking different exams based on the same subjects, the basic amount of knowledge needed is mostly the same. Therefore if you prepare thoroughly for GATE 2015, you will be ready to appear for CSE entrance exams for government sector too

    Is there anything specific you would like to ask further on this?
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  • Abhinav tyagi

    MemberSep 15, 2014

    Many thanks Ankita. One thing I would like to ask is the much time before i shall start revise every thing. & what are the probable dates of gate 2015
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