Member • Jul 27, 2011
Operating System Quiz - Answer these questions
A. Operation code
B. Address
C. Locator
D. Flip-Flop
E. None of the above
2. Which of the following refers to the associative memory?
A. the address of the data is generated by the CPU
B. the address of the data is supplied by the users
C. there is no need for an address i.e. the data is used as an address
D. the data are accessed sequentially
E. None of the above
3. To avoid the race condition, the number of processes that may be simultaneously inside their critical section is
A. 8
B. 1
C. 16
D. 0
E. None of the above
4. A system program that combines the separately compiled modules of a program into a form suitable for execution
A. assembler
B. linking loader
C. cross compiler
D. load and go
E. None of the above
5. The Memory Buffer Register (MBR)
A. is a hardware memory device which denotes the location of the current instruction being executed.
B. is a group of electrical circuits (hardware), that performs the intent of instructions fetched from memory.
C. contains the address of the memory location that is to be read from or stored into.
D. contains a copy of the designated memory location specified by the MAR after a "read" or the new contents of the memory prior to a "write".
E. None of the above
6. Fork is
A. the dispatching of a task
B. the creation of a new job
C. the creation of a new process
D. increasing the priority of a task
E. None of the above
7. Supervisor state is
A. never used
B. entered by programs when they enter the processor
C. required to perform any I/O
D. only allowed to the operating system
E. None of the above
8. Which of the following statements is false?
A. the technique of storage compaction involves moving all occupied areas of storage to one end or other of main storage
B. compaction does not involve relocation of programs
C. compaction is also know as garbage collection
D. the system must stop everything while it performs the compaction
E. None of the above
9. Which of the following addressing modes, facilitates access to an operand whose location is defined relative to the beginning of the data structure in which it appears?
A. ascending
B. sorting
C. index
D. indirect
E. None of the above
10. The register or main memory location which contains the effective address of the operand is known as
A. pointer
B. indexed register
C. special location
D. scratch pad
E. None of the above