  • "Is it good?" "Should I do it or not, I think its bad?"

    These questions often enter our mind when we think of doing something. Isn't it? What I think is nothing is good or bad its only our thinking that makes it so. For instance, going for late night parties is considered bad by some of our societies but there are certain societies which considers late night parties as their entertaining source because they are too much busy in the sunlight to enjoy.
    What are your views?
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberOct 7, 2006

    I agree with you 99.99%!

    Very true. Its our perception that makes us think of right or wrong! Nothing in this world is defined. Even some really bad things are right if the cumstances or our state of mind calls for.

    Well, if we want to genralize it then we can say that something is kinda bad if it hurts someone. But that also it crazy in a place where a very openminded guy ends up in a conservative society.

    So Neha you are correct! ^_^
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberOct 19, 2006

    On an idealogical level, I agree with you. Afterall, Good and Bad are just concepts invented by the human mind.

    What is good and what is bad, thats classified by us based on a couple of things -
    1. internal morales of the individual
    2. preconceived notions of the individual
    3. peer pressure and society
    So, at a very macro level, one can always say that Good, Bad are just terms for our fancy.

    Personally speaking, I would disagree with my own logic (no, I am not suffering from multiple personality disorder). I always believe that for any action that an individual does, he does so based on his own morales/beliefs/values. Accordingly, he will classify the action as good or bad. e.g taking someone's life will always be bad. Period.
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMar 3, 2007

    i absolutely agree that nothing is good or bad ... our thinking makes it so

    a terrorist for 1 nation is a freedom fighter for another
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  • aashima

    MemberMar 4, 2007

    Good bad has nothing to do with a unified logic. Everyone have their own way to deal with the things and have their different logics. But wha decides for us, the good or the bad, is perhaps the atmosphere we live in, the society we inhabit. As said by Neha, late night parties might be a great deal of comtemplation for some one while is hardly a matter of seconds to decide for someone else. Gender also decides certain things specially in a country like India.
    What I reckon is everything (almost) is rightt if followed in limits and done at the right time.
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMar 4, 2007

    if followed in limits and done at the right time.
    .... who decides that .... 10pm might b a deadline for u but for me it might b 2am ....
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  • vibhor_one

    MemberMar 4, 2007

    "Is it good?" "Should I do it or not, I think its bad?"

    These questions often enter our mind when we think of doing something. Isn't it? What I think is nothing is good or bad its only our thinking that makes it so. For instance, going for late night parties is considered bad by some of our societies but there are certain societies which considers late night parties as their entertaining source because they are too much busy in the sunlight to enjoy.
    What are your views?

    Hi Neha,

    I do believe in the line mentioned by you. Actually we all know that same coin have two faces. That all I what to share.


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  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberMar 4, 2007

    "Is it good?" "Should I do it or not, I think its bad?"

    These questions often enter our mind when we think of doing something. Isn't it? What I think is nothing is good or bad its only our thinking that makes it so. For instance, going for late night parties is considered bad by some of our societies but there are certain societies which considers late night parties as their entertaining source because they are too much busy in the sunlight to enjoy.
    What are your views?
    Nice Quote Neha,
    Dont think whether it is right or not,
    Just do as it goes, and dont plan or feel even it happens bad,
    Just go as fast as you can , decide confidently, most propobaly it will be good only a low percent of work will be bad, so dont Think too much,
    Just ask once yourself , is it good, then without hesitation do it , sure it wont be bad.

    Sure this helps you only in Good ... lol...
    Thanks & Regards,
    - A. Sudhakar,
    A Proud
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  • cshekhar

    MemberMar 29, 2007

    Well, I think it depends on what you are deciding upon good or bad...if its your thinking then it completely is decided by your values and offcourse by attitude....for xample..say Sehwag ..he will always play wrong shots..irrespective of whethr he is playing against aussies or desh...or in worldcup or gully crcket.....but thts him or may be his thinking...😁

    so here comes the part of logical thinking....and illogical thinking...i read somewhere in above thread a pt about Terrerist...boss I will tell ya thts d BEST example of illogical thinking... whch relates some jihadism...(whole crap) to a weak mind.......well i will leave it there only..samjhnewale ko ishara hi...😎

    And lastly but not d least at all..I think 99 times a logical thinking is "good"..

    but offcourse..we r humans and errors are part of there comes the role of BAD as neha mentnd.

    what do you think guys?
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMar 29, 2007

    so here comes the part of logical thinking....and illogical thinking...
    as said something might be good according to ur logic but will be wrong acording to some1 else's logic ... you cant asy that what u think or some else thinks is the correct logic and it should followed by every1 ;-)
    And lastly but not d least at all..I think 99 times a logical thinking is "good"..
    it depends on what u define logic as and good as

    as i said above ... for u jihadism might be illogical but ask the jihadis ... they are ready to die for it ... and mind u dont limit urself to just 1 segment .... if u had seen the news recently ther was a hostage situation where a guy held children as hostages demanding better facilities for the street children of his area ... is it logical, is it good, how would u categorize this incident
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  • djnachi

    MemberMar 30, 2007

    as said something might be good according to ur logic but will be wrong acording to some1 else's logic ... you cant asy that what u think or some else thinks is the correct logic and it should followed by every1 ;-)
    it depends on what u define logic as and good as

    as i said above ... for u jihadism might be illogical but ask the jihadis ... they are ready to die for it ... and mind u dont limit urself to just 1 segment .... if u had seen the news recently ther was a hostage situation where a guy held children as hostages demanding better facilities for the street children of his area ... is it logical, is it good, how would u categorize this incident

    Hi there,

    Speaking about the guy who held does innocent children hostages.,(i just had a small glimpse on that news so won't go in detail) his act could not be justified.

    Going back to the root of this debate "What's good and what's wrong?" one can't say that what the man did is logically right or illogically wrong. Of course we all know that, to get highlighted or to make other people hear our voice, you either do the "BEST" or the "WORST".


    Dj NAchi. 😀
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  • cshekhar

    MemberMar 30, 2007

    as said something might be good according to ur logic but will be wrong acording to some1 else's logic ... you cant asy that what u think or some else thinks is the correct logic and it should followed by every1 ;-)
    it depends on what u define logic as and good as

    as i said above ... for u jihadism might be illogical but ask the jihadis ... they are ready to die for it ... and mind u dont limit urself to just 1 segment .... if u had seen the news recently ther was a hostage situation where a guy held children as hostages demanding better facilities for the street children of his area ... is it logical, is it good, how would u categorize this incident
    heyy buddy....just ans this questn..

    does that mean nothing is good or bad???......r jehadis right....??..or u say there logic is right?...

    yes the above post do sound more of a ans to the main debate about "good or bad"....or one can say it can be best genralised the one in the faver of mankind or rather...whole of kinds.....
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  • cshekhar

    MemberMar 30, 2007

    it depends on what u define logic as and good as

    as i said above ... for u jihadism might be illogical but ask the jihadis ... they are ready to die for it ... and mind u dont limit urself to just 1 segment ....
    heyy buddy....just ans this questn..

    does that mean nothing is good or bad????

    debachi.....errrrr.. dj nachi>>>
    yes the post do sound more of a ans to the debate about "good or bad"....or one can say it can be best genralised the one in the faver of mankind or rather...whole of kinds...............😁

    the point is good view and bad view for an object can be made bad or good or vice versa.. to a certain extent..depending upon a personal position...but definetly aftr certain limits r crossd its bad and its bad....or after certain limits its good for sure/....errrrrrrrr m sorry if u r getting confused..but hope is still there ...tht u wud undernd...
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMar 30, 2007

    that is your definition of good/right so acc. if anything goes against it is bad ... inother words your thinking made good to mankind "good" anything other than tht bad ..... i rest my case ... i think the debate has come to a conclusive end !!!

    and btw the guy who hi-jacked the bus ... is now a national hero .... so again its the thinking of the people that made his act "good"
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberApr 1, 2007

    I can just say one thing. People are people, they just make bad choices because of the circumstances(war, stress etc) and conditioning(environment, ideology) they get. All of us have a sense of belonging, at the time we make a particular choice, our mental state at that moment can make it look 'good' or 'right', but later we may regret it.

    So in the end, nothing is good or bad, its just the choices we make and how these choices effect people around us.
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  • aashima

    MemberApr 7, 2007

    .... who decides that .... 10pm might b a deadline for u but for me it might b 2am ....
    I think owing to difference in the ambience and situations, everyone has their own limits. 2 am could be very okay for someone, not for someone else. Definitions of good or bad is not same for everyone, but talking of the individual, they really are and then one drives life accordingly.
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  • no_atkt

    MemberApr 8, 2007

    Definitions of good or bad is not same for everyone.
    in other words .... nothing is good or bad
    but talking of the individual, they really are and then one drives life accordingly.
    in other words ... its an individual's thinking ...

    add em both and you get:

    nothing is good or bad, its our (your) thinking which makes it so 😁 .... The End
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  • aashima

    MemberApr 13, 2007

    in other words .... nothing is good or bad
    in other words ... its an individual's thinking ...

    add em both and you get:

    nothing is good or bad, its our (your) thinking which makes it so 😁 .... The End
    Well in discussions its always advisable to go with the majority. If nothing actually is good or bad, then Osama Bin Laden should be completely justified for every deed of his. Along with him, all the people in the same league and race. Say what??
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  • miteshmanani

    MemberApr 13, 2007

    In Max Payne's words...

    "Its all a matter of perspective, tied to time and place,"... furthur goes.. "Love and Friendship, Life and Death"

    Osama bin Laden has committed a crime at a whole lot of Higher Level and caused many deaths.

    There is a vast difference between "Good-Bad" and "Crime causing deaths."

    With Regards,
    Mitesh Manani
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  • no_atkt

    MemberApr 13, 2007

    Say what??
    go thruogh the posts iv said this in the initail posts itself ... a terrorsit for 1 land is a freedom fighter for another land ... and thats what max payne's perspective talks about ... for osama and his followers what they do is justified (their thinking about good) but for us what they do is not justified (our thinking about bad) .... hence i again say Nothing is good or Bad .... its ouyr thinking which makes it so
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  • aashima

    MemberApr 14, 2007

    go thruogh the posts iv said this in the initail posts itself ... a terrorsit for 1 land is a freedom fighter for another land ... and thats what max payne's perspective talks about ... for osama and his followers what they do is justified (their thinking about good) but for us what they do is not justified (our thinking about bad) .... hence i again say Nothing is good or Bad .... its ouyr thinking which makes it so
    Correct me if I am wrong, Osama is not one of those who are fighting for a noble cause. Their prime and the only reason is to spread terror. Thanks to Mr. Laden that Afghanistan has been completely destroyed by USA , as was expected. And also, are all the Indian mafias as in Dawood, Abu Salem etc are fighting for India? Well I don't see any noble rather a justified reason for them to be seated in a chair they hold right now.
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  • no_atkt

    MemberApr 15, 2007

    Correct me if I am wrong, Osama is not one of those who are fighting for a noble cause. Their prime and the only reason is to spread terror. Thanks to Mr. Laden that Afghanistan has been completely destroyed by USA , as was expected. And also, are all the Indian mafias as in Dawood, Abu Salem etc are fighting for India?
    thats what the whole point of the thread is .... for u what they r doing is bad (your thinking) .... whereas for them it is right (their thinking);-)
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  • aashima

    MemberApr 28, 2007

    thats what the whole point of the thread is .... for u what they r doing is bad (your thinking) .... whereas for them it is right (their thinking);-)
    And thats what I am emphasizing on, what here is to be considered is majority and more than a majority of people think rather know that Osama is wrong.
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  • ankur8819

    MemberJul 22, 2007

    i feel strongly that there is nothing good or bad.....its only our perspective
    a gathering of people at a place may seem a crowd....whereas the same gatherin is the atmosphere in the nightclub......
    so i feel we should alwys tend to accept things....good and bad are different matters.....
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  • freak16

    MemberJan 29, 2011

    I completely agree with the's all our thinking ,our own vision of perception, which make the things good or bad.And the same thing can be good in accordance with the one person but not be for the other person.
    I can relate it to the word "DEVELOPMENT"'s meaning is different for the different people.Illustratively,flourishing dams is a development for the contractor but not for the people who are residing in those areas.😉😀😛...

    me going out of the apologies for that..!!!

    so ur vision should be very much clear then the things will definitely be viewed in a good way.
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  • Sunil Singh

    MemberFeb 2, 2014

    I think its not right to say that nothing is good or bad its just our way of thinking about things. It largely depends on various factors: Your personality, attitude, background one comes from, level of education gained, mentality, and many other factors. So I would say things are good or bad depends on our thinking to some extent but not completely.😀😖
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  • Guneet Khanuja

    MemberFeb 10, 2014

    I personally think anything is considered to be good or bad only as per one's perception, and yeah, perception keeps changing!

    For example, a thing will be considered "bad" by me only till the time I don't do that personally. The moment I do the same activity (even once for that matter), my perception would change, and that thing will no longer remain "bad" for me.

    Infact with passage of time I'll feel that the thing was "good" and eventually "the best"!
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  • Anand Tamariya

    MemberFeb 10, 2014

    People seriously need a primer in Philosophy!!! Do people willing to believe in good=bad also believe that 2+2=5?
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  • Madhava Verma Dantuluri

    MemberFeb 10, 2014

    Good said, no one intentionally step into bad, its the situation makes it.
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  • Anand Tamariya

    MemberFeb 10, 2014

    Madhava Verma Dantuluri
    Good said, no one intentionally step into bad, its the situation makes it.
    If ignorance is intentional, the unintentional evil action is result of conscious action only.
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  • Karishma Manwani

    MemberFeb 10, 2014

    I completely agree with Neha 😀
    Right and Wrong are entirely relative and differ from situation to situation. Nothing on the whole is defined as completely correct or incorrect.
    Coming to the point of the terrorist activities..One here is not aware of what the ultimate aim of the other soul is..
    Right exists because You can see Wrong..To understand what is Right we have to see Wrong..
    If You guys are really interested in the above said remark I would like to suggest you to read the book Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch !
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  • Anand Tamariya

    MemberFeb 11, 2014

    I completely agree with Neha 😀
    Right and Wrong are entirely relative and differ from situation to situation. Nothing on the whole is defined as completely correct or incorrect.
    Coming to the point of the terrorist activities..One here is not aware of what the ultimate aim of the other soul is..
    Right exists because You can see Wrong..To understand what is Right we have to see Wrong..
    If You guys are really interested in the above said remark I would like to suggest you to read the book Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch !
    Kids usually despise teachers who can't answer their questions or clarify their doubts. But what is baffling is - when they grow up they stop asking ANY QUESTION to the so called experts or their opinions!!!

    Why should we accept what Neale Donald Walsch says? Just because media tells us so? Or he finds supporter in Hume philosophy which preceded him by two centuries? Or because his book is a best-seller? Or because his SITUATIONS WERE such that he became popular - in which case do you really want to believe him?

    Why is the distinction between good and evil important? Because mankind's progress depends on defining a standard and holding on to it. Think, how much progress is possible if every trader decides to use stones of arbitrary size to sell you a kilogram of grocery??
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  • Karishma Manwani

    MemberFeb 11, 2014

    It is not the question of accepting what someone is saying. It is just that listening to new things broadens your vision. At times you miss on certain things in life which you are reminded of by talking to others. It is always good to atleast hear others opinions.
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  • Karishma Manwani

    MemberFeb 11, 2014

    Anand Tamariya
    Kids usually despise teachers who can't answer their questions or clarify their doubts. But what is baffling is - when they grow up they stop asking ANY QUESTION to the so called experts or their opinions!!!

    Why should we accept what Neale Donald Walsch says? Just because media tells us so? Or he finds supporter in Hume philosophy which preceded him by two centuries? Or because his book is a best-seller? Or because his SITUATIONS WERE such that he became popular - in which case do you really want to believe him?

    Why is the distinction between good and evil important? Because mankind's progress depends on defining a standard and holding on to it. Think, how much progress is possible if every trader decides to use stones of arbitrary size to sell you a kilogram of grocery??
    t is not the question of accepting what someone is saying. It is just that listening to new things broadens your vision. At times you miss on certain things in life which you are reminded of by talking to others. It is always good to atleast hear others opinions.
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  • Anand Tamariya

    MemberFeb 11, 2014

    t is not the question of accepting what someone is saying. It is just that listening to new things broadens your vision. At times you miss on certain things in life which you are reminded of by talking to others. It is always good to atleast hear others opinions.
    Passvie consumption is no good. You must be able to analyze and assimilate for yourself.
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  • Karishma Manwani

    MemberFeb 11, 2014

    Anand Tamariya
    Passvie consumption is no good. You must be able to analyze and assimilate for yourself.
    Yes You should learnt to passively listen and actively analyse and make your opinion 😀
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  • Anand Tamariya

    MemberFeb 12, 2014

    Yes You should learnt to passively listen and actively analyse and make your opinion 😀
    Now it's TOO off-topic - what are you suggesting?
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  • Rucha Wankhede

    MemberJan 26, 2016

    The concept of good and bad is pretty much subjective. Many factors go into their making. Hence its really hard to comment anything on it concretely given the various conditioning factors of the world, society in general too that play their role.
    A plausible view of 'Good' can mean desired, anything is good which we either hope to acquire or fear to lose. Going by the same logic all evil is limitation, and is bad. Given the dual nature of the world, both the things are fairly balanced. The individual assumptions and practice of the same is a swampy ground however to tread on or comment. Whatever hurts or doesn't respect the individuality of the other is bad. Something that threatens the survival or existence of other is also bad. Both are notions afterall and nobody can dictate over someone which one of the two should predominate their lives. The choice is and always has been ours.
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