  • As has been the response of most of the test takers, the new GRE's toughest part is the Verbal section. This is because the synonyms and antonyms section has been removed and the reading comprehension section has become tougher.

    Let us discuss in this thread the strategies that can be used to crack the verbal section with a good score. How are you preparing for the GRE Verbal section?
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  • Manashree Thokal

    MemberApr 22, 2014

    Mugging up words doesn't help in new GRE. Its required to be able to fit proper words among the similar and confusing words in the blanks. Practicing section tests as many possible would only help. RC's do have few tricks to eliminate answers, but again, the more you practice, the easier it becomes.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorApr 24, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# that's great. Are there any online mock tests available that you found really helpful?
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