  • aady_007

    MemberSep 13, 2014

    Need help for HR questions

    I am Certainly Stuck Regarding the HR questions
    1.Why I am choosing the IT industry and not Electronics
    2.Why I am choosing the ACCENTURE and not other
    and I had written my resume in LATEX will it be OK it will benefit me or it will create any false thoughts in Interviewers mind ...please one n all reply it fast my interview is on 16/09/2014 !!!!!!!!
    help CE'ans and if possible please give specific answer and any thoughts or words regarding Accenture will help me
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  • Thakur Ashawani Kr. Singh

    MemberSep 13, 2014

    Ans1....electronics my passion n my passion needs enough supplement to boost ,that doesn't matter from where it comes....
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  • Dhananjay Harkare

    MemberSep 14, 2014

    Dear #-Link-Snipped-#, for 1st question, I suggest YOU to find the answer instead of depending on others' advice. For 2nd question, visit Accenture website for areas which suits your interest and prepare your answer accordingly to create perfect impression on interviewer.
    All the best!
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