Making Computer Programming Languages Smarter Than They Are

Throughout my engineering days while learning C++, I used to think why these computer languages are so dumb. One " ; " missing and they throw up an error on your face and refuse to operate. Now, after a decade later; it looks like the languages haven't evolved much; because they still do the same. One character misplaced and you're stuck!

I know there are smarter IDEs that fix most of that; but I'm sure most of you will agree that coding is yet to be 'fixed'.

Do you propose any solution for this?


  • rk rao
    rk rao
    i started learning python recently.

    I believe that this language has got all elements

    it is virtually like writing a pseudo code.

    or the way we want to give instructions to computer.

    But still, all languages have these problems

    they are not TURING COMPLETE.

    even RAD will not take away the works of programming.
  • Anoop Kumar
    Anoop Kumar
    That is the reason frameworks and Tag Libraries are evolving. just add a tag and almost everything is done.
    But I don't think final or you can say base program is going to change.
    For example following are subsequent code for creating a submit button

    Using Struts TagLib
    but finally this tag lib will render the HTML code only.

    One more example : In plain java sever side coding it's a very tough to create transaction with database (A series of queries should be execute in whole other wise in case of any exception all previous queries needs to be roll back).
    but with spring frameworks we only need to add
    annotation @transaction at top of method and whole method will take care of transaction itself.
  • rk rao
    rk rao
    even the PARSERS don't solve this problem

    they only would tell that a parantheses is missed.

    Again, they also works on the lines of FINITE AUTOMATA element.
  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare
    Agree. Frameworks fix a ton of things but I think there's a lot of scope for improvement especially on the debugging side. Does anyone know how .Net framework handles all of it? The PHP programs I know still beg for all the punctuations right and the HTML wants me to have the closure of
    s done right. Come one, we're it's 2012 and we're still struggling with the basics. I wonder whether we should head towards a programming style when we just 'read out' the instructions to the machines and the computers figure out the rest.

    Say you want to implement a simple bubble-sort. Why not just read out the instructions to the computers and develop algorithms to decode the natural language into plain code that has all the required punctuation?

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