  • Kaustubh

    MemberJul 11, 2007

    Let us FAQ!


    It's high time that we update our FAQ section. So, let us start working on the FAQ section.

    Please post the questions that you had, but could not get answers to, when you first visited CE 😁

    Let us compile all the questions in this thread and if possible, please do help in answering the questions as well. So, let's get started.

    I've following list of FAQs (in random order); mostly the questions that I answer through emails 😀 -

    1. What is CE? Why should I join?
    2. I have joined CE, what do I do next?
    3. Why is the theme RED? It looks odd when I open CE in Office 😒 ?
    4. How can I help CE?
    5. Why do you call yourselves 'Crazy Engineers'?

    Feel free to post your questions in this thread, so that we come up with a list of commonly asked questions. Also, if you think you can answer any of the questions posted in this thread, please do answer in the thread itself. So that we can pick up the best points and compile our final FAQ 😁.

    I must mention that this is the second group task we will be doing on CE. The first one was compiling the CE Common Sense Guide which is now available on CE's front page - CrazyEngineers .

    Of course, all the contributors will get a special mention in the FAQ section ( and you asked for the perks? eh! :sleeping: )

    -The Big K-
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 13, 2007

    No update so far?

    I guess the feedback section is seldom read by CEans. Anyone?

    -The Big K-
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJul 14, 2007

    Of course, all the contributors will get a special mention in the FAQ section
    Ah.. *rubs chin* can we negotiate on that? 😛 kidding! Is this FAQ different from the one here? #-Link-Snipped-#?

    Oh, I read Gaurav's guide to posting a while ago.. perhaps you can have screenshots too, with arrows and stuff? That may be an easier way to teach new members how to post, amongst other things. Hmm.. I'll get back at ya some other time about additional questions to add to this FAQ 😉
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 14, 2007

    Good to see your reply 😀

    Yes, we plan to update the FAQ section ( #-Link-Snipped-# ) of our website. Of course, we'll add screenshots as well. Gaurav's guide is good, but it needs a rewrite now.

    We just don't want to miss out on any 'Frequently Asked Question' 😀

    -The Big K-
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberJul 15, 2007

    1. What is CE? Why should I join?
    2. I have joined CE, what do I do next?
    3. Why is the theme RED? It looks odd when I open CE in Office 😒 ?
    4. How can I help CE?
    5. Why do you call yourselves 'Crazy Engineers'?

    TOooo many Questionssss!!

    Have to ... slow down

    Processor Overload! ... Shutting Down...beep beep booooo....pp
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  • friendster7

    MemberApr 11, 2008

    guys the first answer

    ce-crazy engineers !! we should join ce because we can discover the cutting edge in ourself.
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