Member • Mar 10, 2008
Know your CEan - MaRo!
CrazyEngineers is blessed with talented engineers from all over the world. CEan - MaRo (from Egypt) is one of them. CEan - MaRo has been adding value to CE Forums ever since he joined us. We bring you CEan - MaRo in through our Know Your CEan initiative. Check it out -
The Big K: Hi MaRo, you have been around on CE for a long time . You have helped lot of Crazy Engineers. We'd like to know more about you.
MaRo: It's my pleasure to be in Know Your CEan & in CE at all.
The Big K: What do you do for a living?
MaRo: I'm a computer science student, working in a computer company called Creo in Egypt as a Software developer & by the way, Creo has a very good R&D team.
The Big K: Why did you decide to become an engineer?
MaRo: It came coincidence, after High school my father told me but I didn't want to join Engineering college I wanted computer science. So, by the time I found myself reading & enjoy doing this CE stuff & thinking about weird ideas (weird for normal people not for CE ).
The Big K: Tell us about your hobbies.
MaRo: Keyboard, screen & processor, Moustafa Amar's music And Bollywood movies
The Big K: Okay, complete this in not more than five words: I am ___
MaRo: I am a dangerous free thinker
The Big K: What brought you to CE? What was your first impression?
MaRo: I was googling for some assembly code, I was redirected her because there was someone also searching for the same thing I was searching for, after some time I found it & posted here, My first impression was like "OMG! this is life!", Engineers website with no restrictions on thinking & polite people
The Big K: Name three CEans whom you'd like to meet in person.
MaRo: Big K, kidakaka & suyash
The Big K: Tell us one thing that you like the most about CrazyEngineers.
MaRo: Open-minded people.
The Big K: ...and one thing that you don't like about CrazyEngineers.
MaRo: The problem with Engineering stuff is it can't gain charisma easily, CE needs some charisma, we have to talk about this on the discussion forums.
The Big K: What is the biggest achievement in your life so far?
MaRo: 1 Patent, some new stuff but not by myself in a team, Creo is full of thinking teams always thinking about changing everything from planes till toilets.
The Big K: Tell us about the most embarrassing moment from your engineering days.
MaRo: It was my first day in work, I was writing some code in Java that generates sound frequency in the office, playing with the equation to change the sound it produced a very noisy sound, like fart voice, I saw all people just starring at me.
The Big K: What are your plans for the future?
MaRo: Getting up with CREO to beat some big companies, (We're not evil) Just dreaming. Make some new standards, innovations & put arabs in a better rank in technology market.