Is Podcast Being Shown Out Of iTunes In iOS6?

Podcasts are gaining popularity as its creators, listeners and advertisers are getting used to this format. But the latest news has it that podcasts have disappeared from the new version of iTunes which Apple started showing to the developers this week. iTunes app in iOS seems to have undergone a huge change. As it is evident from the picture below, three popular categories namely Podcasts, Audiobooks, iTunes U are no where in the list.
I know what thought might have crossed your mind right now: What if it was a bug or an oversight? It is possible, but not entirely. What if Apple has decided to do away with them? It is not that likely for Apple to get rid of all these features at once. So we must accept for now that they are just being moved.

The next probable question from you readers could be: Okay, so where are they being moved to? Well, that part has not been revealed clearly but it is possible that these Podcasts may be moved into the music app itself or get a dedicated app, where users will be able to discover, download and play them on mobile devices. And the audio books may be included in the iBooks store. It is highly probable that the iTunes U will also head to the same destination or into its own dedicated app (latter is more likely to happen).

This is not something new because last year, Apple broke up the iTunes player app into separate video and music apps. And when it launched iBooks in 2010, it made the book reader a separate app as well. Is this a similar move? Things will get clear only when iOS 6 is launched.

SOURCE: Apple iOS 6 Moves Podcasts to Separate App - Peter Kafka - Mobile - AllThingsD


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