  • The united states was the first into the market to sell its first genetically engineered food product'tomatoes' in the market in 1994.

    Genetically modified foods are food whose genetic materials of it has been modified in order to improve yield, resist plant diseases etc... by introducing a gene from a different organsim.

    It also aimed at improving the nutrient content in the food.

    Even though it shows to be an positive shape in the field of agriculture, there are many people who stand against the genetically modified foods. The major reason I found through google is " unknown dangers to human health". If this technology can improve the nutrient content in the food , then how this will cause danger to human health?
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberNov 23, 2013

    Do we know the genetic make up of all that we eat now? The issue with GM foods is that they interfere with existing known grown foods. The crossing of the normal with GM strains can cause unforeseen and undesirable changes.
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  • Anand Tamariya

    MemberNov 23, 2013

    The idea that human body only needs nutrients seems far fetched for me simply because if that were the case, people would be surviving on capsules containing the essential nutrients and they would no longer be eating food. Since this hasn't happened so far, I don't see how replacing those capsules with GM food is any different.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberNov 23, 2013

    I don't see how replacing those capsules with GM food is any different.
    It is semantic. Food is nutrition. what comes in capsules are micronutrients. GM food is just food.
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