Member • Oct 10, 2013
Indian Religion Based Politics from Perspective of an Ex Azad Hind Fauz Muslim
His father was a member of Azad Hind Fauz, an allies of Subhas Bose! He still practices Unani Medicine and a great patriot. So in Muslim Chawk, Gulbarga, hist three stroy building stands high with top of the building painted with Indian tri color. Not from today but always.
As I happen to visit Mr Zamoor quite often, once I gathered courage to ask his father about this. Unlike Gandhians he does not get any pension for his sacrifices for the nation. He says and I quote "The most unfortunate story of India is that Subhas babu was made to leave congress. Gandhi was always an English stooge. After 1857, Brits were afraid of revolt and they subsequently lost many good officers by nationalists. So they found in Gandhi an Ideal man. Had Gandhi not being there in India, we would have got independence much earlier and no riots would have ever taken place. Subhas Bose was only one person on whose word any Indian would sacrifice his life, irrespective of religion. If you look at his journey, from Delhi to kabul and in Japan, German, most of his close associates have been muslims.
When he was made to leave Congress, the entire scenario changed. Nehru had a Mugal bloodline and his grandfather was of Police head rank. They ran away from Delhi when British got hard on all Mugal associates. But he was womenizer, boozer. Because his family pretended to have changed religion, Muslims used to hate him. Hindus never accepted him as their leader. Jinnah himself was no masiha. These two buggers were classmates in England and could never tolerate each other.
After Subhas babu, both of them realized that they can't be national leader, so both of them were Instrumental in dividing Congress. Jinnah himself was a low man and now way an Islam, he was fond of Alchohol which is not encouraged by Islam. So even muslims could not tolerate him.
But once Bose was sidelined, it became a battle of who would rule whom post independence rather than independence itself. Muslims feared under Nehru and were afraid of their future. So they supported Muslim league. It is only after post Subhas Congress era that you would start to find beared muslim leader and hindu leaders with tilak.
Very few people knows how big was INA. AHF or INA was a parallel government. 7 countries had accepted and recognized our government. We had our own currency, postal stamp and administration. So INA was not only a military outfit, it was a complete administrative outfit. "
I had a question which I always wanted to know. So I stopped him and asked "If Netaji was such a big leader as you say, why would he seek the help from biggest genocide of history, the Hitler? So you mean everything was ok in war"
He smiles and quotes, "History is always written by west to suite their agenda. Jews were biggest traitors of German and was instrumental in their first world war defeat. They betrayed in all fronts, weapons were faulty, bombs were less effective, services were compromised. Hitler in his early days had tried his best to convince the community to be nationalist and join German hand to regain it's position in world. But they always thought that they were superior than Germans and never wanted a German victory anyways. For long many German research was leaked to west. So it was impossible for Hitler to go to war, as he knew that a big portion of his countrymen would betray. So what he did was a shame for mankind but not for German. Thousands of innocents suffered for his madness, but marta kya na karta. Beside, at the time when we were getting organized, Jew massacre was still not universal."
"Coming back to that, when we merged and started winning one front after the other, Indian soldiers also got courage. They started revolting. In many fronts Indian soldiers would simply not fire at our armies. Many hoped that we will win, take them captive and ultimately recruit them in INA. British had never anticipated this revolt. They did not have manpower and relied heavily on Indian army in WWII as well as in war against us. One of their major problem was, if they got hard on us the whole army would have betrayed and they would have been ousted by Germans. Unfortunate that Japan lost the war. Our support system was collapsed. So even then we were at Imphal and only about a month away from Delhi, we lost and pushed back and subsequently lost many of our brave brothers life. Till the time we were pushed to Rangoon, the then our head quarter, we had little left."
"Subhas Bose told us that we would surrender, he considered that any more fight will be nothing but suicidal. We all protested and we said, we will prefer to die a brave death than being imprisoned and humiliated by Brits. We also were in opinion that we will all be hanged anyhow after being captivated."
He then convinced us "Don't worry, British can not rule India for longer, the army is itching for revolt. Not more than five years would they be staying in India. Also we must have nationalists like you to fight even after Independence. Don't expect a smooth sailing society."
"He was so right. Notably Congress manipulated the whole thing and has been teaching our children that Gandhi and Nehru brought us independence. It is Army's revolt and their motivation by Netaji, that forced British decision. And the problem was the whole army was getting ready for onslaught irrespective of hindus and muslims. So they played this horrible game in the name of religion. They funded goons from both extremists for riots. However they could not divide India into separate countries. It had to come from people. So Lord Mt.Batten was sent to India with his pretended wife who was incidentally a co student of both Jinnah and Nehru. She got them into agreeing for the partition. India did have an option. Jinnah was medically ill. Gandhi had told Nehru to make him prime minister as Jinnah would die in few months or in a year or two any how. But Nehru had quoted that he would not appoint Jinnah as his chaprasi, question of PM post was never there."
" Sadly the hunger for power of these two stupid fellows destroyed billions of life. We would have been such an advanced nation had Netaji won Delhi. Problem is People who wanted Pakistan and the portion never got it and people who got it never wanted it. I am personally thankfull to sardar patel to stand against Nehru and unite India. I can't imagine the fate of muslims if we all were to live in Pakistan!"
"See, when hindus see my house they say it is Pakistani Nautanki and mulims call me BJP wala. You see no wise muslim would want a Pakistan. Many of our brothers are in trade, fruit, flower, meat. And obviously a big customer base is Hindus. So no point in fighting and rioting. But like then, like now fight based on religion would be fueled both by congress and by BJP. If we can't put nationalism ahead of these nonsense nothing will change"
It was very emotional to hear from such a patriot and I was surprised that I did not know so many things. I just asked " So death of Netaji was big? If he was alive post independence we might have a different society?"
" He never died in any plane crash or something. But his Soul died. It was Netaji who had called Gandhi as Father of Nation for the first time in his radio broadcast. That man betrayed. Our leader was alive and was in India. Many of our officers were in contact. But he had no energy or intellect or motivation left for the country. If he was spotted, Nehru would have any how had him killed or sent to Britain for Hanging. India had never had and will never have a leader like Subhas Bose."
He looked at the small photo of Netaji on his table and started sobbing. A 90 year old Ex INA, still stout! Thought would share with you this. Nobody, no party is pure. It's all for power.