  • Hello guys,😀
    I am once again in action after long time!!!👍 Any body remember may indexing thread in CE? it is sticky topic in that period. But due to some reasons it is not much useful as we need. Now i am indexing thread with topic name / content means a topic contains post which provide information corresponding to that topic.
    I will start a new thread for Mechanical Engineers " GATE (Online)Preparation for Mechanical Engineers " 😎
    Hope that this time we get different results.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 11, 2012

    Leave the GATE section for the time being. We're going to reorg it.
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  • ShrinkDWorld

    MemberDec 11, 2012

    Leave the GATE section for the time being. We're going to reorg it.
    It's good but i already start my work. can you shear what is your plan ?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 12, 2012

    Sure why not? It's just that we might just remove the sub-sections. It would be great if you could start indexing the sections which are going to be permanent - The project ideas section , CS / IT , Electronics and other technical sections 😀
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  • ShrinkDWorld

    MemberDec 12, 2012

    Sure why not? It's just that we might just remove the sub-sections. It would be great if you could start indexing the sections which are going to be permanent - The project ideas section , CS / IT , Electronics and other technical sections 😀
    The indexing not limited to CE only. Now it's become more user friendly. CE has great source of discussions but have very few tutorials so we get them from internet 😀
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