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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 26, 2006

    try mindtools

    Try visiting <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Develop your personal wellbeing and career skills - Mind Tools - Mind Tools</a>

    For communication skills, visit this - #-Link-Snipped-#

    Communication skills has different flavors, are you looking for anything in particular? Please do share with us. 😀

    -The Big K-
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  • aditi

    MemberJul 28, 2006

    thanks for ur advice...
    there is no particular area.. actually i am not good in eng speaking and i have to face interviews in 3-4 months...
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 28, 2006

    Do not worry!

    thanks for ur advice...
    there is no particular area.. actually i am not good in eng speaking and i have to face interviews in 3-4 months...

    Stop worrying! Just be confident & know the basics! Keep a smilling face & be ready for the interview. They won't really care how you speak.

    Don't let the interview suffer just because you are not fluent (my guess). Speak slowly & with confidence. By the way, 3-4 months is a Big time if you are willing to practice. Get rid of the mental block.

    Let us see how we can help you. What say, CEans? 😀

    -The Big K-
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  • Jerry

    MemberJul 28, 2006

    Stop worrying! Just be confident & know the basics! Keep a smilling face & be ready for the interview. They won't really care how you speak.
    That is perfect! I might be of some help if you tell me more about your interviews. Is it a technical interview?

    Also, communication skill is not limited to spoken english. Your body language, your eye contact will play a big role in your success in any interview. Be yourself and do not answer to please the panel.

    Do let me know if I can be of further help. I will be happy to help.

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  • aditi

    MemberJul 29, 2006

    <They won't really care how you speak.>

    but i have heard that communication skills matters a lot.. without it everything is in vain....
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  • aditi

    MemberJul 29, 2006

    <I might be of some help if you tell me more about your interviews. Is it a technical interview?>

    actually i have just completed my 2nd year in electronics n communication.. and on campus placements are going to start this year..
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 29, 2006

    Probably 'communication skill' is overrated. Of course, it does help when you use correct english. From the way you write (in posts) I can say that you are good at sentence construction. So the only thing that needs to be worked on is - fluency.

    You just need to practice more. Speak slowly. Take your time. Take a pause of 2-4 seconds before replying to any question. You still have lot of time at your disposal. Try mock interviews with your friends. That's the best way to learn.

    Do not get scared in the interview room (I've seen this happening with lot of candidates). Do let us know about your progress. Keep us posted.

    -The Big K-
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  • crook

    MemberJul 29, 2006

    <I might be of some help if you tell me more about your interviews. Is it a technical interview?>

    actually i have just completed my 2nd year in electronics n communication.. and on campus placements are going to start this year..
    Please read Jerry's post. 3 months is lot of time to practice english speaking. Since you are preparing for the campus placements, you will have to prepare for the aptitude tests too. Practice it with a friend or join english speaking course. As biggie says, you are good at writing and so there should be no problem for you to speak it as well.

    All the best!!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 29, 2006

    that was a quick reply, crook 😀 !

    The biggest obstacle in an interview is the mental 'block'. I don't want Aditi to face the interview with a mental block that she is not good at spoken english.

    As we see, she still has lots of time to prepare. Of course, she has to prepare for the aptitude tests also. But this can be tackled & fluency can be developed. Its really annoying when people think that fluency = speaking rapidly.

    There's one more way to improve. Give a 'free talk' to your computer & record it! Then listen to it. You will learn a lot from it.

    but i have heard that communication skills matters a lot.. without it everything is in vain....
    That's incorrect. Japanese & Chinese aren't fluent in English (well, a lot of them) but yet they won't let it block their success. Say what 😉 ?

    -The Big K-
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  • aditi

    MemberJul 29, 2006

    😛 thanks .. i would definitly follow ur advices...

    <That's incorrect. Japanese & Chinese aren't fluent in English (well, a lot of them) but yet they won't let it block their success. Say what :wink: ?>

    i dont know much abt it.. i have just heard from my seniors...
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 30, 2006

    aditi -

    to quote a message you will have to wrap the quote with [/quote] tag.

    Do keep us posted on your progress. Practice a lot & have fun! Let us know if you need any further help.

    Best Of Luck !

    -The Big K-
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  • aditi

    MemberJul 30, 2006

    ok.. i will follow ur instructions...
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  • Rocker

    MemberAug 25, 2006

    Try visiting <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Develop your personal wellbeing and career skills - Mind Tools - Mind Tools</a>

    For communication skills, visit this - #-Link-Snipped-#

    Communication skills has different flavors, are you looking for anything in particular? Please do share with us. 😀

    -The Big K-
    Interesting discussion. Practice talking to a mirror. Practice is the key.
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberAug 31, 2006

    My advise...

    No shortcuts... you have to have read and read... and most importantly read the material you feel is boring..

    A rough idea survey you need to read atleast 1000 lines daily, on different topics...inorder to improve your english in 3 months....

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  • aashima

    MemberSep 2, 2006

    Good one

    My advise...

    No shortcuts... you have to have read and read... and most importantly read the material you feel is boring..

    A rough idea survey you need to read atleast 1000 lines daily, on different topics...inorder to improve your english in 3 months....

    Nice idea i must say. This could be helpful aditi.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 2, 2006

    Originally Posted by crazyboy
    My advise...

    No shortcuts... you have to have read and read... and most importantly read the material you feel is boring..

    A rough idea survey you need to read atleast 1000 lines daily, on different topics...inorder to improve your english in 3 months....


    Nice idea i must say. This could be helpful aditi.
    I doubt. Reading will help improve her language. But she needs to practice talking to gain fluency.

    I'm sure she's practicing hard. Any updates, Aditi?

    -The Big K-
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberSep 3, 2006

    A small advise ... even say funny suggestion,....

    Starting talking in english with your friends.. start a fine of rs. X on any hindi sentence...And if yo will do this sincerly .. you will see the difference soon...

    --Crazy (Was a crazy idea...)
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberSep 3, 2006

    I doubt. Reading will help improve her language. But she needs to practice talking to gain fluency.

    I'm sure she's practicing hard. Any updates, Aditi?

    -The Big K-

    Biggi... Once you will start thinking in English there will be no problem in speaking .... must not any fluency problem....

    Dearest biggi I am pretty sure, problem is she / he thinks in Hindi and than translate it in hindi... and that is the reason why she is lagging... after extensive reading and having a bit knowledge of versitle subljects one can hope that one will start thinking in English.. And i can bet.... the day when one will start thinking in English there will not be any problem in Spoken english...

    pardon me, if I was offensive....My english is weak...😀mrgreen:😁)

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  • AlameluKrishnan

    MemberSep 5, 2006

    Instead of just reading something or trying to talk to other in English, it will be good if you read good English NewsPaper as loud as you can. Also ensure that you have a dictionary with you to look for word meanings which you dont understand. When I say good English paper, I would recommend The Hindu or the Times of India. Other local English news papers do not have good English content and they are predominantly local news. In The Hindu, the editorial column is very high in both the language and the vocabulary. As far as good web sites are concerned, there are plenty. There are no short cuts for this and Practice makes you perfect.
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  • integratdbrains

    MemberSep 5, 2006

    I doubt

    I doubt on the authentication of TOI as far as authentic english is concerned. The basic funda is try to be aware if you get a new word.Been aware means capture the word,find its meaning,try to retain and most importantly 'USE' it. Concentrate on the proper grammatical usage on BBC and the pronunciations.Those are regarded as authentic.Next time you hear news on BBC see how they pronounce 'above'. Communication is more than just usage of proper english you need to communicate your ideas as they are interpretated by you to the other end.In the process there should not be any distortion of the core idea (so proper english is imp).😁
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  • aashima

    MemberSep 15, 2006

    I agree!! The Hindu is probably the best newspaper as far as the language content and vocabulary is concerned. But the best way out as suggested above as well would be conversing as much as u can in english.
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  • Neha

    MemberSep 16, 2006

    Hindu is a nice newspaper...but its bit boring...You can add a better option like The Economic contains a lot of knowledge..and the option is still yours.
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  • Srikanth

    MemberSep 22, 2006

    Try like this

    Jst reading newspaper.. nah nah... i don think it wud b suffic to improvise ur communication.

    Apart frmt tht. u can do things like.. giving commentary fr cricket.
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  • Jerry

    MemberSep 25, 2006

    I will be happy to help you. I'll try to be around. Let me know if you need help.
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  • aditi

    MemberSep 27, 2006

    hi all..
    i have started speaking in english a little but the fluency is still not there...
    i speak well with my friends but in public..i dont know why but hesitation is still there..
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberSep 27, 2006


    Congratulations Aditi..

    Keep Going. Try to speak and read more and more good newspapers. Also try your hand on novels.

    I'll tell you, the best way to learn english is "to start thinking in english" Normally we tend to think in our native language and try to speak in english. It goofs up the situation.

    So try once and let me know the result.
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  • jumbotech

    MemberOct 9, 2006

    Hey aditi.

    I am a non-native english speaker (if that is the right word 😛) and I can assure you that if you get enough exposure to the english language, either through the media, reading books and magazines and most importantly speaking to your friends you will start to feel more confortable with the language.

    Because my working language is english I am now thinking english as well as speaking and writing. It will take time but as they say "Practise Makes Perfect"

    For those of you wondering, my native language is Icelandic 😁

    If you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM me or send an email


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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 15, 2006

    hi all..
    i have started speaking in english a little but the fluency is still not there...
    i speak well with my friends but in public..i dont know why but hesitation is still there..
    I understand. Keep expanding your group and keep practicing. Let us see if we can have someone expert on communication skills to share knowledge with us.
    One thing - Never, Never, Never give it up!

    -The Big K-
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberOct 18, 2006

    Been there done that thing for me. During my engineering, we had this subject known as communication skills, and the teacher who taught us that subject had considered me as her worst student 😀.

    Anyways, to practice, start reading (thats to build your vocabulary and understanding), once you have a good grasp of the language, talk with your friends in english, try starting to think in english in your mind. If you can do that, then you are done!

    Also, the mirror helps, it helps a lot!! You get to observe yourself make mistakes as you speak, try not to repeat those mistakes again and again. I know, the mirror thing sounds idiotic and you feel like one... but it works. Believe me, it does.

    Hope this helps.
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  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 5, 2007

    Even my reply is too late,

    Hope Aditi Got placed and Now speakes Perfectly,

    Most important remeber the same set of answers and speak in before your colourful Mirror ,

    It will update your brain with your both -ve and +ve that you can keep and that you can avoid.

    Just read fastly and clearly what you are typing here and We sms.

    And Keep on using typing master ( <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Typing Master - Learn To Type & Test Your Skills</a> ),

    It helps both Fast Typing as well as Fast Speaking Skill.

    And Refer Journals and Regular Articles on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">IT Acumens - A Web Designing Company</a> ;-)

    To Improve,

    Hope So, You would Perfectly soon.

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  • jia

    MemberJun 10, 2009


    Visit #-Link-Snipped-# , there you will find some good books, e-books and audio books related to communication skill and personality development, it might be helpful for you.

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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberJun 10, 2009

    To get a job we need the confidence to talk , you are IN dont worry about accent or anything.. Just you have to talk anything but with confidence .
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  • kashish0711

    MemberJun 10, 2009

    thanks for ur advice...
    there is no particular area.. actually i am not good in eng speaking and i have to face interviews in 3-4 months...
    I think knowing english is bonus nothing else
    Just go their if you feel uncomfortable with speaking english, then talk in your language but just be confident and make sure you express your views and emotions well.

    Communicating means expressing yourself.

    so be good in that, that's all you should need.

    and try to speak in english when you are with your friends, even if they insult you, continue, that will only do you good.
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